7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion After Divorce

Written by Joanie Winberg

Continued from page 1

6) What Are Your Vibes Saying About You?

Are you familiar withrepparttar Law of Attraction? Maybe you have heardrepparttar 130561 expressions, "What you think about, you bring about" or "The more attention you give to something,repparttar 130562 more attention it will give to you." When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.

A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack (lack of time or money) and high energy is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of low energy, how do you make a shift to feel more ofrepparttar 130563 high energy?

First, acknowledge and acceptrepparttar 130564 feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from low to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number three and become present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple like pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are inrepparttar 130565 office, take a minute to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a smile to your face. Feelrepparttar 130566 shift you are starting to make in your energy.

Now, to amp up this high-energy feeling, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high-energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seemrepparttar 130567 people or situations around you have changed or is it you who has really changed? So, who hasrepparttar 130568 power to feel their own joy? When you are feeling your high energy, this isrepparttar 130569 time to take your next inspired action. Enjoyrepparttar 130570 feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7) Be True To Yourself

During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart. What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not feel right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting isrepparttar 130571 best thing to do. By waiting you may have allowedrepparttar 130572 situation to unfold more easily without having to worry! If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading inrepparttar 130573 right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.

Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this . STOP! Take a breath or even take a step back (this action will prevent you from saying yes). Pause! Thankrepparttar 130574 person for thinking of you, but let them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are still feeling doubtful, realizerepparttar 130575 timing might not be right for you. If you are still excited, joinrepparttar 130576 committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun, but you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, honor yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discoveredrepparttar 130577 "gold nugget" you already are, you will start to live your life with more ease and enjoyrepparttar 130578 feeling of peace. "You are truly free!"

Copyright 2004 by Joanie Winberg. All Rights Reserved.

Joanie Winberg, Certified Business/Life Coach, Certified Laughter Coach and Professional speaker, founder of Success and Life Coaching. Joanie specializes in working with groups of women after divorce and after 50+ years. For additional information contact Joanie Winberg at 508-947-2750 or http://www.successandlifecoaching.com.

How To Choose a Dating Service

Written by Sara Blackmoore

Continued from page 1

Before looking atrepparttar sites on offer, think about how you will write your personal profile. Jot down a paragraph or two about yourself, your interests, and your hopes for a partner. Then write a few words about what you are looking for in a potential dating match. Doing this offline will help you structure in your own mind what sort of date you are looking for, and then when you go and look at some dating sites, you’ll easily be able to pick out those that offerrepparttar 130559 best chance of providing what you want. The added benefit of course is that when it comes to filling in your profile online, you will be prepared and wont be sat in front of your screen lost for words. Instead your profile will read in a very natural and honest way.

I would always recommend choosing at least two sites to register with and put your profile on, after all, they are almost all free to start with – you only need decide if you want to pay when and if someone of interest turns up and you want to make contact.

Websites like The Dating WebReview can also save you time. The reviews will quickly give you an idea aboutrepparttar 130560 services each dating site offers, and whether they specialise.

Choosing an internet dating site isn’t difficult. Inrepparttar 130561 end it comes down to finding one that you enjoy using. After all, if it appeals to your taste, then you already have something in common withrepparttar 130562 other members.

Sara Blackmoore is a relationship counselor and regular contributor to http://www.dating-webreview.com She lives in London, England with her husband and two children.

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