7 Ways to Easily Network

Written by Ja-Naé Duane

Continued from page 1

We meet people every day, though we don’t always see an introduction as a business opportunity. When you first meet people, don’t try to sell anything. Get to know them. Ask them questions about their lives. See if there are various angles that could allow you two to work together…at some point. But leaverepparttar initial encounter as a “getting to know you.”

V. The Art of Networking The Art of Networking starts with a simple conversation. Some people have problems starting conversations. Here are just a few examples of how: •Look to see if they have a book or magazine with them •Comment onrepparttar 105193 book or magazine •Notice their attire. Comment on it

If you’re at a convention or a trade show, focus your conversation onrepparttar 105194 event. These people are here forrepparttar 105195 same reason you are. Some great icebreakers for these types of situations are: •The sponsor ofrepparttar 105196 event •The venue (food, location, entertainment) •The workshops or guest speakers

No matter with whom you are dealing with, there will always be some common interest that can bind you two. The goal is to establish that bond. The bond will allowrepparttar 105197 other person to open up and begin to trust you, and people only initiate business with those they trust.

VI. Contact Maintenance Once you’ve established a contact, it is as important to maintain it. It is always imperative to check in with people now and again. By doing so, you’re ultimately informed ofrepparttar 105198 person’s situation and you keep yourself inrepparttar 105199 forefront of their mind.

People change jobs allrepparttar 105200 time. Whether you’re sending a press release to an editor or a joint venture letter to a competitor, make sure you know exactly who you are sendingrepparttar 105201 information to. Doing this increases your chances of having information seen byrepparttar 105202 right people and kept out ofrepparttar 105203 garbage.

VII. Care for your Network Care for your Network. Send emails, phone calls, and newsletters out to everyone. Also, respond to people in a timely fashion. If you’re talking to someone onrepparttar 105204 phone, don’t be interrupted by an incoming call. If someone buys your product, check in with them. Make sure that they are completely satisfied withrepparttar 105205 product. If not, find out what is wrong and take immediate steps to remedyrepparttar 105206 situation.

The biggest thing is to be respectful ofrepparttar 105207 other person. Please and thank you can go an extremely long way, and courtesy doesn’t cost anything. Also, be respectful ofrepparttar 105208 person’s time. Everyone is busy, so keep interactions brief and torepparttar 105209 point. Though its clique, this statement holds your key to success: Treat others as you wish to be treated. Do that and you’ll go a long way.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder ofrepparttar 105210 National Artistic Effort, social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Naé Duane, is takingrepparttar 105211 world by storm.....one gig at a time. Check out: http://www.Ja-Nae.com Hear Ja-Naé: http://www.mp3.com/Ja_Na__Duane Buy Ja-Naé Merchandise: http://www.cafepress.com/janaeduane Join her mailing list!: Ja-Nae@yahoogroups.com For more information onrepparttar 105212 National Artistic Effort, please go to: http://www.us.geocities.com/elektra1313/index.html REPRINT PERMISSION Would you like to run some ofrepparttar 105213 content from this article on your web site or in your e-zine? You may do so for free as long as you addrepparttar 105214 following credit:

"Reprinted from Ja-Naé Duane's Newsletter, featuring Ja-Naé's up-coming gigs and projects; and focusing on free self- promotion ideas; and free self-actualizing hints. Visit www.Ja-Nae.com for free details." __________________________________________________ Ja-Naé Duane's Articles are published by Ja-Naé Duane E-mail: nae@Ja-Nae.com http://www.Ja-Nae.com/ (c) 2003 by Ja-Naé Duane - All Rights Reserved __________________________________________________

Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort, social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Naé Duane, is taking the world by storm.....one gig at a time. Check out: http://www.Ja-Nae.com

Why Small Business Must Turn to PR

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

Now it’s message time. What will you say to members of your target audience to alter that negative perception that surfaced during your conversations with them? Your message must be persuasive, so stick withrepparttar facts and present them clearly. By identifying honestly what is really at issue atrepparttar 105192 moment, you impart a sense of credibility to your comments, and their timeliness adds a compelling dimension to your message.

What’srepparttar 105193 best way to get that message torepparttar 105194 eyes and ears of members of your target audience?

Here, you have an embarrassment of riches with dozens of communications tactics including news announcements, op-eds, letters-to-the-editor, speeches, community briefings, broadcast and newspaper interviews and many, many others.

Progress can best be tracked by interacting all over again with members ofrepparttar 105195 target audience. While you’ll ask questions similar to those you asked in your earlier monitoring sessions, this time you’re looking for signs that your message got through. In other words, signs that your message succeeded in altering any negative perceptions of your business.

You should also monitor print and broadcast media, key customers and prospects for similar indications of success.

Should progress not be fast enough for you, you’ll want to consider increasingrepparttar 105196 number of communications tactics you employ as well asrepparttar 105197 frequency of their use. Your message should also be re-evaluated for its factual basis and clarity.

Gradually, your monitoring will playback perception changes among that target audience, and that meansrepparttar 105198 behaviors you seek will not be far behind.

It is this kind of success that tells us very clearly why small business must turn to PR if it is to realize its potential.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks about the fundamental premise of public relations. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit: http://www.prcommentary.com

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