7 Ways To Put Your Life On A Diet

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

5. Find Your Real Self Again. Are you internally motivated, or addicted to applause? Do you do things just because "other people" expect you to, or do you do them because you experience joy and peace when you do? Are you living up to your higher goals, or just getting throughrepparttar day? Is your life a true reflection of what you believe in? Stop trying to "be" who or what you think you ought to be, and instead be willing to accept both your talents and your weaknesses. Then take full responsibility for how they affect you and other people in your life.

6. Find Out What Your Really Want Out of Life. Sounds simple doesn't it. Everybody knows what they want out of life - or do they? Begin by thinking about time where you were (or are) feeling completely happy , content, comfortable - and time just seems to fly by. What are you doing?. Why types of skills and activities are going on? What resources are you using? Many times your talents and passions are so much a part of you that they just seem to go unnoticed. Living your life based on your "big goals" allows you to focus your energy and achieve much more. Otherwise you become a pinball inrepparttar 123830 game of life.

The last step is to "Organize Your Life-Style to Supportrepparttar 123831 Life you Want. Once you've determined what you really want, how your Real Self plays a part in that, and let go of some idealistic goals, you are ready to restructure your life to be a more genuine expression of who you are. Allowing your Real Self to come through, and being comfortable in your own skin and own goals, makes life instantly easier, less stressful, and outright more fun!

Put Your Life On A Diet. You have so much information and opportunities coming at you 24 hours a day that it's easy to get caught up in "just stuff". Filter out what you don't want in your life. Would you hire a baby sitter to watchrepparttar 123832 kids while you spendrepparttar 123833 afternoon cleaningrepparttar 123834 closet? Of course not. Carefully consider how you spend your time. Then, consciously - slowly, deliberately, one step at a time - set up your lifestyle to supportrepparttar 123835 way you want to spend your 24 hours. Surround yourself with attitudes, people, resources, and tools that will supportrepparttar 123836 life you want to live.

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, helps people set priorities and goals, take actions, make changes, and reshape their lives. She is the author numerous articles both online and in print, an Ebook and several Email Coaching Programs available at www.reallifecoach.com, call 480.998.5843

Are You Flying to the Stars or Staring Into Space?

Written by Martin Avis

Continued from page 1

* Write things down.

There is something almost magical about writing things down. It becomes a contract with yourself that your tricky brain is quite hesitant to break. That is why 'to-do' lists are so effective. They concentrate your thinking on what is important.

So if you have been thinking vaguely about setting up your own Internet business, for example, but haven't quite managed to summon up enough motivation to actually get started, write a business plan. Make it really detailed, with a timeplan. Break each stage ofrepparttar business startup into steps. Write downrepparttar 123829 exact date each step has to be done by. Sign and date it.

If you go to that effort, you are 80% ofrepparttar 123830 way there. And you will have done more than 90% of everyone else who is vaguely dreaming about their own business.

* Appoint a conscience.

Ideas are easy to break, commitments are harder. When you have written down your plans, share them with someone whose approval you value.

If you have a close friend, family member or colleague that will act as your conscience, you are far more likely to succeed than if you try to struggle on alone.

Your conscience doesn't have to do anything except check out how you are doing once in a while. Let them share your dream and taste your excitement and when you have a bad day (and you will) call them up so they can remind you.

* Reward yourself.

Often, when I am writing, a gremlin in my mind starts to nag at me do something, usually inconsequential, else. Sometimes, if I'm unwary, that little voice wins. Then I find hours go by and I get nothing done. But if I catch it in time, I make a deal withrepparttar 123831 demon. 'Okay,' I'll say to myself, 'I'll go and make that coffee/ check out that website/ read that magazine, but only AFTER I've finished this.'

It sounds silly, but it works. The demon only wants to know you've been listening.

* Reinforce through affirmation

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily.

>>> Zig Ziglar, business coach and writer.

If I told you to sit onrepparttar 123832 side of your bed each morning after you wake up and say, 'Today I am going to get a serious illness', ten times over, you would think I have gone crazy.

Why wouldn't you do it? Because you are afraid it might come true.

So, if you believe inrepparttar 123833 power of words enough to not tell yourself negative things, how come you don't dorepparttar 123834 opposite? Are you afraid that good things might come true as well?

Reaffirming positives is immensely powerful. The old 'every day in every way I am getting better and better' may seem dated now, butrepparttar 123835 idea was sound. Instead, try this: before going to bed, pick something that you really want to achieve tomorrow. Write it down, in detail. Put it beside your bed. Before going to sleep, picture yourself having already done it. Feel how good you feel. Experiencerepparttar 123836 warm emotions. Then, when you wake inrepparttar 123837 morning, read your notes over three times. Remember how good you felt dreaming that you have already completedrepparttar 123838 task.

Your motivation forrepparttar 123839 job will be sky high. And pretty soon, you'll be flying torepparttar 123840 stars instead of staring into space.

Martin Avis is a management and training consultant. His free weekly newsletter, BizE-zine, is packed with articles, interviews and quotes to help you be the best in business or Internet marketing. mailto:subscribe5@BizE-zine.com or visit his information-packed website at http://www.BizE-zine.com

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