7 Tips to Healthy Sleeping Habits

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Continued from page 1

3) Stay away from any sleep-stealing stimulus

You should avoid consuming stimulus such as caffeine and nicotine late inrepparttar evening as these can disrupt your sleep later inrepparttar 137370 night. Caffeine is quite a strong stimulant that will keep your brain awake while nicotine activates your metabolism, thus keeping your body energetic. Instead, consume drinks that can aid you to sleep well, like warm milk, hot chocolate or even a glass of milk

4) Exercise regularly

Studies have shown that regular exercise approximately 4 to 6 hours before bedtime can actually help you fall asleep later inrepparttar 137371 night. So keep those abs burning and legs walking at least 20 minutes a day. However, avoid heavy exercises close to bedtime as that will raise your body temperature and keep you fully awake.

5) Cool off your body temperature

People tend to fall asleep as their body temperature falls. So, how canrepparttar 137372 old story of taking a hot bath before bed help you sleep? When you take a hot bath or a long hot shower, your body temperature goes up, but when you get into bed andrepparttar 137373 body temperature starts to fall, that helps you to sleep. Although this is something that happens naturally before sleep, a hot bath actually reinforces that physiological process.

6) Don?t force yourself to sleep!

If you cannot go to sleep, don?t force yourself by lying in bed and trying to sleep. Restrictrepparttar 137374 time in bed torepparttar 137375 amount of time you are actually sleeping. If you are not asleep in 15 to 20 minutes, get out of bed, go into another room and engage in some sedentary activity until you begin to feel sleepy. Listen to some calm music, make a to-do list or read a really boring book. Then, return back to bed when you feel sleepy.

7) Avoid afternoon naps

Taking naps duringrepparttar 137376 day directly interferes with your sleeping routine. Your ability to sleep at night gets affected because all those short power naps actually ensures that you get continual rest duringrepparttar 137377 day. So, when it comes for you to sleep at night, you actually feel zippy and alert.

Gobala Krishnan is a representative of Veriuni Nutritionals, a great solution for busy working adults who want a quick one-in-all nutritional fix. For more information on Veriuni Nutritionals and information on living a healthy lifestyle visit http://www.veriuni-products-store.com

Doleful Tales of an Insomniac

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Continued from page 1

3 Types of Insomnia

A person can suffer from many different kinds of insomnia. Insomnia can be categorized as transient, intermittent or chronic. Transient Insomnia lasts from a single night to a few weeks and can be caused by jet lag, temporary stress, excitement, illness, or even a change in your sleep schedule. If these episodes of transient insomnia occur notably frequent, then it is said to be Intermittent Insomnia.

Prolonged stress (such as financial troubles, job change, orrepparttar death of a loved o?ne) is o?ne ofrepparttar 137369 most common factors that cause intermittent insomnia. If intermittent insomnia is not treated as soon as possible, there is a high chance of it turning into Chronic Insomnia, also known as long-term insomnia. Chronic insomnia occurs every night, o?n most nights and might last a month or more.

So, how do you treat insomnia?

Each case of insomnia is treated differently according to that particular person's needs. There are various methods that can be used for treatment such as, behavioral modification, following good sleep hygiene practices, light therapy, and even medication.

If you are suffering from insomnia, do not attempt to self-meditate yourself with sleeping pills as that would be highly impractical. The wise thing to do is to consult your physician about further treatments o?n insomnia. Forrepparttar 137370 time being, practice healthy sleeping habits and keep yourself fit to ensure that you do not lose a wink when it is bedtime.

Gobala Krishnan is a representative of Veriuni Nutritionals, a great solution for busy working adults who want a quick one-in-all nutritional fix. For more information on Veriuni Nutritionals and information on living a healthy lifestyle visit http://www.veriuni-products-store.com

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