7 Tips To Writing Perfect Email Ad's

Written by Jerry C Freeman

Continued from page 1

(Tip No.3) Format Your Documents

A good average character count for one line of email is, 55 to 60 characters. Onrepparttar old standard typewriter it was simply a matter of setting your margins and typing until you heardrepparttar 116771 little bell.

Then you'd simply pushedrepparttar 116772 return bar and typing cylinder allrepparttar 116773 way torepparttar 116774 right, and continue typing untilrepparttar 116775 next bell. (Now I'm really dating myself.)

If you try to set-up your word processor's margins to dorepparttar 116776 same thingrepparttar 116777 typewriters of old did, it won't work quiterepparttar 116778 same way. You'll have to manually add carriage returns atrepparttar 116779 end of each line.

It can be done; however, this process will be very time consuming and for many reasons, far to many to mention here,repparttar 116780 outcome will not stay consistent with all email servers.

A much better way of formatting your document is to download a copy of "Ezine Assistant" at http://www.ezineassistant.com

It's a free software program that gives you full control of formatting your document. It works great, and I use it allrepparttar 116781 time, even if I'm simply writing an email to my friends.

(Tip No.4) Keep Your Paragraphs Short

Reading an email is not like reading a book or a magazine. Long paragraphs in an email are difficult to read, so limit your paragraph to two or three sentences. Your reader will be much happier, and so will I.

(Tip No.5) Keep Your Ad's Sweet And To The Point

Fromrepparttar 116782 time someone opens your email, you have about 10 to 15 seconds to capture his or her attention. If you haven't captured it by then, chances are very good they will click, delete, and move on.

Rememberrepparttar 116783 person reading your email wants to click, read, and move on anyway. Don't try to sell your product in your ad; your goal is simply to get them to your "Web Site."

Let your web site do allrepparttar 116784 talking because now, they have chosen how they will spend their time, not you.

(Tip No.6) Be Polite And Always Say Thank You

Your mother was right! Never forget to thankrepparttar 116785 people who takerepparttar 116786 time to read your email. It leaves a warm, caring feeling with your reader, andrepparttar 116787 more personable your email,repparttar 116788 more response you'll receive.

Always add your name, and a real email address to your ad. Your readers will feel you are real person, and that they are more than just a number. Also invite them to contact you for any reason.

When your purpose is to make a friend first and a sale second, you can sit back and watch your sales grow.

(Tip No.7) Do Not Send To Soon

Once you have your email ad looking and saying what you want it to, put it aside and come back to a day or so later and go through it one more time.

Most ofrepparttar 116789 time you will find a few changes you'd like to make before sending your ad out torepparttar 116790 public, so make those adjustments and send your ad.

This step will save a lot of, "I wish I had said that instead!"

(In Closing)

Inrepparttar 116791 mind of your readers, your email isrepparttar 116792 only window they have to see who you are. You can either get outrepparttar 116793 "Windex" and clean that window, or your can pull downrepparttar 116794 blinds and closerepparttar 116795 curtains.

Just keep in mind;repparttar 116796 success of your business depends greatly on what people think of you.

Until next time...

Jerry has been working on the web for over five years and has helped many people achieve success on the web. He currently owns an operates several successful web businesses located at... http://www.jeHomeBizOnline.com

Are you interested in 1,000% growth?

Written by Eric White

Continued from page 1

MyMagicDoubler pays 20% commission also, however, half of that is automatically invested in your name,repparttar other half is available to you.

Also when your position doubles 25% is reinvested automatically. sorepparttar 116770 eg. if you put in 100, you get 150 back with 50 in to double.

Which is better? Well that depends. The MyMagicDoubler is designed to build long term residual income. It is less likely to come to a halt due to not enough new people to supportrepparttar 116771 team invested.

So, if you want to put money in once, double it and take it out (running forrepparttar 116772 hills) :-) then DollarMonster is your answer.

If you want to promote and grow a steady income stream for months and years to come (no guarantees here ) then MyMagicDoubler is a better option.

You know thatrepparttar 116773 investment pool is always growing and if you have a referral who puts in, for example $6,000 (dance and sing) you get $1,200 commission. You also know thatrepparttar 116774 same person will be reinvesting at least $1,500 in 15-20 days! This is very powerful and more commission for you :-) Note: This is a description ofrepparttar 116775 products offered, it is in no way financial advice as I am not qualified to advise on financial services. I would recommend you only invest money you can afford to loose (DO NOT drop inrepparttar 116776 food or rent money) as there are no guarantees with this sort of program.

To Your Success! Eric White

You have permission to reprint and distribute this article providingrepparttar 116777 article and Resource box are not modified. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DO you want to be part ofrepparttar 116778 Mill.ion dollar challenge.. http://onewah.com/webChallenge.htm BE THE FIRST TO TELL THE WHOLE NET HOW TO DOUBLE THEIR INTGOLD AND STORMPAY BALANCES TODAY! http://myMagicDoubler.onewah.com http://www.one-work-at-home.com http://onewah.com -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eric is a software consultant by day, and web marketer by night. I live in Sunny Queensland, Australia. Running a number of successful sites. http://hit-lightning.com http://onewah.com

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