7 Stepping-stones to Career Growth and Excellence

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

5. Lead with Empathy

No matter what position you hold currently, you are always leading others through your influence. You influence others with your thoughts and actions even if you are not aware of doing so.

Think of three leaders who you admire. What traits and leadership skills do you admirerepparttar most in these leaders? This question will reveal your deepest leadership values. Leading with empathy is leading from your deepest values. These values allow you to focus onrepparttar 142641 strengths of those you lead; they allow you to lead others in ways you would want them to lead you.

6. Maintain Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness

A healthy body helps to maintain a healthy mind and vice versa. Spiritual strength nourishes bothrepparttar 142642 body and mind. Cultivating our faith in God strengthens our resolve to overcome adversities and focus on outcomes rather than roadblocks.

Follow a sound wellness program, get regular physical checkups, and pray or meditate each day. Schedule a daily time for relaxation. Physical, mental, and spiritual fitness contribute to steady growth and maximum excellence in fulfilling our individual purposes.

7. Serve with Love, Faith, and Gratitude

We receive in this life only that which we first give. That includes our thoughts and attitudes. Fill your thoughts withrepparttar 142643 spirit of love for those you serve. Communicate your deepest gratitude to customers and clients for their trust in you. Show gratitude in special ways that provide more value than expected.

Trust clients and customers to make decisions that are right for them. If you have faith in those you serve, they will have faith in you.

Take this Challenge Now

Make a list of at least twelve different ways you could implement each of these stepping-stones duringrepparttar 142644 next 12 months. Select seven items, one item from each list of twelve. Then put them into action overrepparttar 142645 next week.

Continue to implement more of your ideas throughoutrepparttar 142646 coming months. Refer back to your list frequently, and write downrepparttar 142647 changes that you see taking place. You will see positive changes both personally and professionally.

In Summary

Career growth and excellence contribute significantly to life satisfaction. They require acting with commitment and integrity. We need to set our standards high and continually acquire new knowledge to grow and perform with excellence. People are essential to success, and we must listen deeply to communicate powerfully. Leading others from our deepest values allows us to lead with empathy.

Growth requires physical, mental, and spiritual strength. Love, faith, and gratitude will provide an integral framework for career growth and excellence. Taking deliberate action to excel and grow today will setrepparttar 142648 process in motion and bring rewarding results throughoutrepparttar 142649 future.

© Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Contact Steve by visiting http://AchieveEzine.com

Increase Productivity: Five Powerful Actions

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

What distractions could you remove that would help to maintain a purposeful focus?

4. Stay flexible and ask for help.

Urgency is not inflexibility. Flexible plans allow for interruptions, schedule changes, and unforeseen events that you cannot control.

Flexibility also allows you to accept help from others. Attempting to do everything alone can create an energy imbalance in both your personal life and career. Act on your strengths and ask for qualified help with those things you cannot handle alone.

What thoughts or attitudes can you change to become more flexible, balanced, and productive?

5. Act decisively.

Act decisively onrepparttar commitments you make to your goals. Allrepparttar 142640 pieces are rarely in place when starting something new. There will always be more to learn. Over-analysis and waiting forrepparttar 142641 perfect moment can obstruct a successful launch. Fears of either success or failure can hold you back.

Acknowledge fears and look past them to seerepparttar 142642 rewards of your actions. Move through fear byrepparttar 142643 power of faith in your purpose. Build momentum and keep learning as you move forward.

What could you accomplish if you maderepparttar 142644 commitment to begin today?

An Exercise to Increase Productivity

Begin by writing each productivity tip on a sheet of paper. Under each one, write down ways you have used this or a similar idea inrepparttar 142645 past. What wererepparttar 142646 results, and what would you do differently this time?

Keep these questions in mind also: "What shows up when I manage my actions appropriately? Where do I wasterepparttar 142647 most time-energy, and why? What isrepparttar 142648 payoff when I waste energy and perceive a lack of time? What has robbed me of productive energy inrepparttar 142649 past?"

Increase Productivity

Next, you will be thinking of five ways you can become more productive. Write your best answer torepparttar 142650 question atrepparttar 142651 end of each productivity tip. Then write down a way you could apply each ofrepparttar 142652 five actions to your current situation.

Keep these questions in mind also: "When I become as productive as I would like to be, what will be my reward? How could I increase my level of self-care to increase my productivity? What things need less attention and more attention in my life at this time?"

The five actions in this article will require ongoing effort. The way you answer these questions will change over time. However, you will findrepparttar 142653 results worthwhile. Begin taking action now, and you will increase productivity with extra time-energy to spare.

© Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Contact Steve by visiting http://AchieveEzine.com

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