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Step 4: Make a list of everything you can think of that you will need to do to help you achieve your goal. Leave nothing to chance. The more planning you do ahead of time, more likely you will stick to plan and achieve your goals. The more prepared you are, more success you will experience.
Step 5: Organize list into a plan. Organize your list by priority and sequence.
Step 6: Take action on your plan immediately. Do something. Get started. Start building positive reinforcement and momentum RIGHT NOW.
Step 7: Resolve to do something every single day that moves you toward your major goal. And with fitness, you have to, don't you? Whether it is your workout, eating six high protein meals, etc. you should always be doing something that moves your forward toward your goals.
Don't just read these tips and nod your head. Activel use them. They will make a big difference, not just in your health and fitness goals but in your life in general.
Gregg Gillies
Gregg Gillies is the founder of His articles have appeared in international publications such as Ironman Magazine. He has written two books and is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. Check out his site