7 Online Party Games

Written by TBA ~ Tricia, Billie and baby Ashley

Continued from page 1

5) ABC Game - Pick a letter ofrepparttar alphabet,repparttar 103172 first person to give you a product that you sell, that starts with that letter gets a point. Do as many as you like, atrepparttar 103173 endrepparttar 103174 person withrepparttar 103175 most points isrepparttar 103176 winner. This game is good for getting people looking at your site trying to find products that start with each letter.

6) Scavenger Hunt - Pick out 5 words, place them on your site or your party page in a different color font, then atrepparttar 103177 party tell you guest there are 5 words they are searching for. The first person to find all 5 words and email them to you isrepparttar 103178 winner. This is a good game for getting people exploring your site.

7) Ticket Game - This works much likerepparttar 103179 auctions. You give guest to your party a way to earn tickets. Once earning a ticket you send them their ticket number. Duringrepparttar 103180 party call out ticket numbers. If their ticket number is called out they get a prize. Makerepparttar 103181 most tickets given away for purchasing or booking parties.

Find more games in our ebook How To Have an Online Party. The ebook shows yourepparttar 103182 steps we've used in having successful online parties for almost 3 years. The ebook comes with a Free Online Party Checklist.

Written by TBA. TBA stands for Tricia Billie and baby Ashley. We are a mother, daughter, & granddaughter WAH team. We own and operate TBADeals.us.

How to Select a Legitimate Home Business

Written by Trent Brownrigg

Continued from page 1

Free to Join – Not every legitimate home business is free. In fact, many are not, but it is definitely a good sign if they at least let you check it out for free to see if it is for you. It is nearly impossible to build a successful home business without some monetary investment, so you will probably have to break into your piggy bank at some point. However, I would definitely be much more skeptical of an opportunity that does not let you have a free trial.

Free Website - You will definitely need to get your own website sometime inrepparttar future but when you are just beginning you probably won’t have one yet. Sorepparttar 103171 business that you are joining should provide free websites for you to use. Chances are that you won’t be able to make changes to these or get them intorepparttar 103172 search engines, but you can at least send prospects to them.

Compensation Plan – When evaluatingrepparttar 103173 compensation plan of a prospective business opportunity ask yourself these questions; How hard is it to get in profit? Can you earn a full time income with them? Arerepparttar 103174 income expectations reasonable (not full of hype)? There should be a clear compensation plan and you should earn commissions from your very first sale.

Lead Generation System - Until you get more experienced at marketing it will be very difficult for you to bring in very many leads on your own. Good business opportunities will have a way for you to purchase high quality targeted leads for a fair price.

Resources and Training – Every good home business opportunity should have a resource center that members can go to for support, training, and resources to help them succeed with their home business.

Your questions should be answered quickly and accurately and there should be more than one means to get help. Members should have two or more ofrepparttar 103175 following available to them at all times; upline members, email support, phone support, live chat, or a forum.

Well, there you have it… some very good criteria to help you in selecting a legitimate home business opportunity. Userepparttar 103176 above information as well as your own instincts when selecting a home business and you should never get scammed again!

Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer and home business mentor. Visit his website at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com and he will personally help you succeed with your own home business. Please subscribe to his “Biz Tips” Newsletter by sending a blank email to: workathomebiz@aweber.com

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