7 Lies That Prevent Powerful Results

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

Lie #4. Having An *Idea* Instead of a Plan Did you miss becoming a doctor, or dancer, or chef, or actor, or teacher because you were "absent"repparttar day they were handing out those careers? Of course not. All of those careers require that a person choose to go to school, sometimes for many years; and then many more years to master their craft. If you don't purposefully chooserepparttar 123727 path to go down, something else will choose it for you. Those who don't create their future, have to endurerepparttar 123728 future they get. Powerful Results come from creating a plan and getting into action.

Lie #5. Ignoring Your Talents Thomas Leonard (www.thomasleonard.com) suggests that you "perfect or customize what you want out of life so that it fits you perfectly." This means using your natural talents in a way that works best for you, in all that you do. So often we put ourselves into a role or get so busy responding to life's daily crisis, that we end up frustrated with busy work instead of takingrepparttar 123729 time to sort out what we're good at, let our strengths help us, and then be willing to ask for help withrepparttar 123730 rest. Powerful Results come from customizing whatever you do so that it's a better fit for you.

Lie #6. Elusive Goals instead of Do-able Goals An elusive goal is "save $5 thousand for down payment for a house". There's no strategy or plan associated with that. A do-able goal is "save $100 every week for one year, beginning this week." That's a plan of action that has measurable results. Powerful Results come from specific actions that have measurable results.

Lie #7. "What I do doesn't matter" Attitude. It's easy to say to yourself that other people and circumstances prevent you from doing something. It's easy to think that they are more powerful than you are, so your puny contribution won't matter inrepparttar 123731 long run. But this attitude tends to paralyze you, and keep you out ofrepparttar 123732 action of creating better circumstances. Powerful Results come from being honest with yourself, listening to yourself, then doing what needs to be done.

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Rewards Action". She can help you create goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time, find your true passion, and learn to love the real you. Visit www.reallifecoach.com, email Kathy@reallifecoach.com, or call 480.998.5843

4 Super Reasons You Will Love "Easifying" Your Life

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

3. Less Baggage, Better Relationships: "Stuff" refers to not only material things, but mental and emotional clutter as well. By cleaning outrepparttar needto, haveto, and oughtos, of your own life, you'll have better relationships because there's not as much "stuff" in your life to fight about. Putrepparttar 123726 past inrepparttar 123727 past by returning anything you borrowed, by apologizing to whoever you need to, by getting your bills up to date, by sendingrepparttar 123728 card or gift you forgot to send, by makingrepparttar 123729 phone call you need to make. You getrepparttar 123730 idea. Anything that you "should" have done, but neglected to, has you Tied To The Past.

4. More FUN! Having an easified/simplified life means having more time forrepparttar 123731 things you dream of like reading, or traveling, or entertaining, or exercising, or playing withrepparttar 123732 kids, or visiting with friends. You'll feel more in control becauserepparttar 123733 clutter -- physical, emotional, and mental -- will no longer dictate how your space is arranged, or how your time is spent (looking for things), or how your energy is used (frustration, aggravation). Need I say more?

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Rewards Action". She can help you create goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time and money, find your true passion, and learn to love the real you. Visit www.reallifecoach.com, email Kathy@reallifecoach.com, or call 480.998.5843

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