7 Hot Tips for Improving Your Life

Written by Beth Scott

Continued from page 1
#4 Don't procrastinate! The more you put something off and something else off,repparttar more all your undesirable chores pile up until they're an insurmountable task that would make a paid cleaning crew shudder. In fact take these chores and work them into your schedule so you will do them. #5 If you don't already keep either a schedule or make yourself a to-do list each night, this is your cue to start. A to-do list helps you with get things done because it gives you a urgency "must do this today" attitude. It will also help you remember things that you might have otherwise forgotten. You can put things on them that you're afraid of forgetting, or want to make sure you make time for. #6 This is by farrepparttar 129955 most important tip I could give you. Forgive and Forget. Either imagined or real slights should always be forgiven, and to forget them is to not dwell on them and not rememberrepparttar 129956 angry feelings if you ever look back on that moment. Let me just tell you this: Holding a grudge will not hurtrepparttar 129957 begrudged as much as it will hurt you and your personality. As well as your existing relationships. If there are any ancient or recent rifts or fights between you and a relative, friend, or spouse that are hurting your relationship or have ended it entirely, make amends. This life isrepparttar 129958 only one you get, we'll never know when it'll be our orrepparttar 129959 begrudged person's time to die, and by then it will be too late. So pick uprepparttar 129960 phone or walk up to that person and apologize, even if it wasn't your fault. This may berepparttar 129961 last chance you'll get to make amends. You will be surprise atrepparttar 129962 feeling you'll get after fixing things up between you. As if a burden has been lifted off your shoulders. This is definitely a step to improve your life. #7 Do something kind for someone else. Today! Not just on a birthday or anniversary, but spontaneously. Buy a rose or other flower for a friend and tell them it's just 'because'. Because they mean a lot to you, and because you care for them. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Offer to help a friend with a chore. Help teach a young niece/nephew, son/daughter, brother/sister, etc.... how to read or do some other "grownup" thing. Babysit for someone you know so they can have a night out. The list of things you can do is endless, and I'm sure you can procure some ideas of your own onrepparttar 129963 subject. Now for your convenience I've summed all seven steps: #1 Get up early and jog or watch sunrise #2 Eat breakfast #3 Smile at strangers when you make eye contact #4 Don't procrastinate #5 Keep a schedule or To-Do list #6 Forgive others and Forgive past wrongs #7 Do something for someone else Remember it's all up to you whether you take these steps to improve your life, but improve it they will. For excellent Self Improvement go here: Http://snipurl.com/8fu1

I'm a hardworking entrepreneur and writing has long been a daily outlet. When I discovered that I had a bit of a talent, I started writing for publication. My associated link for this article is Http://snipurl.com/8fu1 Also go to my website: http://www.moreinfo247.com/8744660

Are You Having School Daze?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, EQ Coach

Continued from page 1


School is school, just like work is work, but when there’s been a hiatus, and when certain parts of it are new, there is always emotional processing going on.

Just as you ask your child for facts -- about their teacher, classmates, and subject -- ask them about their feelings. Then listen. Provide support and perspective as needed. A comment such as, “I hate school,” should be investigated. It may turn out, as happened to me once with a little one, thatrepparttar lunch served that day had been “yuchy,” though everything else, once pursued, appeared to have been keen.

If you precede this with “How are you feeling about your new teacher?” you will get a chance to experiencerepparttar 129953 level of your child’s ability to express their emotions, and can help him or her sort them through, which is invaluable. Make emotional-expression vocabulary a part of your child’s learning experience. Children as young as 3 can learn to respond (when having a tantrum):

“Are you angry?” ”Yes.” “Can you tell me why?” I’m frustrated.”


As you get intorepparttar 129954 first weeks, check and see how your child is doing in their social adjustment. Friends and being able to get along make such a difference in their self-esteem, happiness, and ability to function well at school. A’s are important, but children with higher emotional intelligence and better interpersonal relationships tend to do better academically.

With patience on your part, and instruction, andrepparttar 129955 passage of time, much ofrepparttar 129956 turmoil will subside. Before you know it, you’ll all be settled intorepparttar 129957 new routine!

Susan Dunn, http://www.susandunn.cc . I offer coaching, courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development, EQ, retirement, career, relationships. I train and certify EQ coaches. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for info on this fast, comprehensive, affordable, no-residency program

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