7 Barriers To Web Success (and how to overcome them!).

Written by Les Sheppard

Continued from page 1

If you're passionate about your topic, and understand a few business & comunication basics, you can learnrepparttar rest as you go along. Take bite-sized chunks, learn one new priciple or concept a week and you will soon be "an expert" in most people's eyes. Remember, every day that you delay someone else is serving your customers, taking your share ofrepparttar 120622 revenue, building relationships that you could have influenced. Get going.......Just do something!

5. But I don't haverepparttar 120623 right product, service, info etc.

The beauty ofrepparttar 120624 internet is that it is full of opportunities to joint venture. If you have clients that need a particular product or service that you don't currently offer you can go search, find it and cut a deal to supply. You may see a product or service that is ideal for your existing customer base. Again, strike a deal to putrepparttar 120625 supplier in touch them (through you, of course!). If you are eventually successful online, you'll probably be approached with offers of this kind yourself.

My advice...get really good at searching for what you want onrepparttar 120626 web. Go to Google, Yahoo! & Overture and practice using their search tools until you can find anything you need inrepparttar 120627 shortest time. And don't forgetrepparttar 120628 offline world either. There are thousands of companies out there who are not fully net savvy, and haven't developed an online presence for their product range yet . Keep an eye on trade journals, magazines etc for opportunities to bring clients and products together to your business benefit.

6. Just one more...and I'll be there!

The final step......uploading your first web site torepparttar 120629 host server, ready and open for business! But wait a minute...wouldn't it be better if I just added a popup box there, or changedrepparttar 120630 headline over here.

Fact - some ofrepparttar 120631 most effective web sites in online business history have consisted of ONE PAGE only. And some of those one pagers have not even looked attractive! Many ofrepparttar 120632 best marketers onrepparttar 120633 internet haverepparttar 120634 most simple web sites - that carry their information in an easy to understand format, and that's it!

It's your message that's important, having a fantastic website is secondary...by some way. If you've done your homework well, researched your target market, have an offer that solves their most pressing problem (orrepparttar 120635 one they haven't even thought of yet!) you are in business. Getrepparttar 120636 shop open and start marketing!

7. Poor time management

Have you ever sat at your PC screen, withrepparttar 120637 full intention of investing some serious time in getting your ideas offrepparttar 120638 ground, only to fritter away your limited efforts on any of these?

Reading pointless emails.

Surfingrepparttar 120639 web in an aimless fasion.

Checking out speculative ideas from others / competitors.

Spending money on unrelated stuff from catalogue sites.

Or...........do you just give up, and return to watcingrepparttar 120640 TV instead?

If you make any cursory study of time management techniques you will find most ofrepparttar 120641 above listed as time stealers. As already said, you may well find that your budding business empire has to compete with family, day-job and other commitments makingrepparttar 120642 10, 15 or 20 hours a week you can commit to business building critically important. I can tell you that many people I have consulted with never overcome this barrier, and don't takerepparttar 120643 necessary action to produce results. A further study of time management would reveal thatrepparttar 120644 following are regarded at "high leverage" activities (ie: for a small initial commitment they pay back handsomely!):

Setting up / monitoring systems.

Learning a new skill, to be applied inrepparttar 120645 short-term.

Reading / studying relevent business material.

Meeting colleagues, suppliers, mentors, customers.

Attending seminars, coaching sessions, conferences with like minded people.

You simply must focus your efforts. Tell yourself "If I've got 2 hours / $10 to spend on my budding business, what will give merepparttar 120646 biggest bang". Structure your time so that you are uninterrupted when you're online. Choose a (preferably one) good mentor and start to build relationships with like minded people, surrounding yourself with success, andrepparttar 120647 good habits will rub off.

If you want more help with pushing down "The Barriers to Net Success" you can find common sense advice from Les Sheppard at www.netblueprint101.com


Les Sheppard is a 20 year veteran of offline business brand building, in the retail and leisure industries, who brought his experience to internet marketing in 2001. Through the pages of www.netblueprint101.com, and the bi-weekly newsletter "Blueprint", Les will help you to get your ideas online - building your own business "Super Brand" from scratch. Using up to the minute, and extensively researched, products and methods you can get started now

A virtual ‘no-cost' marketing program to help grow your business

Written by Frank Williams

Continued from page 1

Overrepparttar years, studies consistently suggest that customers' vote with their feet when confronted with poor service. I call thisrepparttar 120621 silent vote because you don't knowrepparttar 120622 customer is gone until it's too late. Most likely after he begins purchasing from your competitor. These same studies state that a direct correlation exists between business shift andrepparttar 120623 depth of your business relationship. In other words,repparttar 120624 less you know about your customer,repparttar 120625 higherrepparttar 120626 probability andrepparttar 120627 faster he will turn to your competitor when he has problems. And most business people know it takes more money and effort to get a new customer then to retain an old one. Therefore, finding ways to strengthenrepparttar 120628 bond you have with each existing customer will pay dividends time and again.

Customers tend to remember conversations from non-selling people. Sales people still have a slight stigma attached to them. However, when customers know more people within a company it gives them a ‘cozy' feeling and provides added flexibility to communicate problems before turning into lost business. An on-going customer calling program is an easy and effective way to add more glue torepparttar 120629 customer-company relationship.

Down in New Orleans, they have a wonderful word: "lagniappe" (LAN-yap). It means getting a valuable extra at no extra charge, sort of like 14 donuts forrepparttar 120630 price of a dozen. You should find ways to give your customer more value. Talking with him on a regular basis will make your company standout. In today's fiercely competitive world giving a customer more than they expect is a sure way of retaining him for future business.

Start your executives calling customers today. The value proposition is immense!

Frank Williams is a marketer and astute businessman. With many post graduate courses in management, leadership, marketing and technology to his credit, Williams is a widely respected speaker, author and technologist. He is the founder and CEO of Global Marketing, Inc. - a leader in business, marketing and sales consulting

Other valuable articles can be found at: http://members.cox.net/glmarketing/glmarketing/index.htm

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