6 Ways to Better Dialogue

Written by Jeff Heisler

Continued from page 1

lost in long lines of dialogue. This technique helps

readers keep their place.

4) Leave exposition out of dialogue.


"Come on inrepparttar car," Frank said. Sam hopped in. Frank started downrepparttar 129475 road. "This car is

great," he said. "It has a 255 horsepower engine,

sunroof, and a great stero system."


Let's try this instead.


"Hop in," Frank said. Sam hopped in and sank back intorepparttar 129476 passanger

seat. Frank turned onrepparttar 129477 radio and openedrepparttar 129478 sunroof

before they started off downrepparttar 129479 road. The engine

roared and pushed Sam back in his seat. He smiled at

Frank. "Nice car."


5) Compress dialogue that contains needless or

repetitive details. For example, let's say a character who we'll

call John has just been told an amazing story by another

character named Mike. Now John needs to share that

story with Betty. Instead of repeatingrepparttar 129480 dialaguerepparttar 129481

reader has already heard, just do something like this:


"Wait till you hear this," John said. He told

Bettyrepparttar 129482 whole story. "Wow," said Betty.


There, now you're ready to move on withrepparttar 129483


6) Use dialect sparingly. It's too taxing on

the reader's mind. If you have a character from Texas

with a thick southern accent, instead of this:


"Y'all ain't see nothin' like dis here messa



Use this: -----------------------------------

Kip spoke in his thick Texas drawl, "You all ain't seen

nothing like this here mess of trouble."


That's it. Use those rules and your dialogue will show

that professional style you've been looking for. Good



------------------ Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write

Away. Read more of Jeff's writing articles at

http://www.heislerink.com/writeaway.asp. You may also write to Jeff at jheisler@heislerink.com --------------------------------------------------------


Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write

Away. Read more of Jeff's writing articles at

http://www.heislerink.com/writeaway.asp. You may also write to Jeff at jheisler@heislerink.com

Quick Tip -Use Article Announcement Lists To Promote Your Articles

Written by Ken Hill

Continued from page 1

7. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freezinecontent/

8. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/netwrite-publish-announce/

9. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/publisher_network/

10. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ReprintArticles-Paradise/

11. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WriteitPublish_Announce/

12. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheWriteArticles/

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