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On other side of coin, if you’re a webmaster or own your own web site, update your copyright today! Even if you don’t update information on your site every other day, at very least, keep you copyright date current.
An even better way to present your copyright is to show a time period. For example: if your site was established in 1998 present your copyright like this: copyright 1998-2004.
You should be proud of fact you’ve been in business for six years! This shows longevity and builds your credibility to potential clients.
Nothing bothers me more than wasting time on a site that keeps me guessing about dated content. Your site should scream “I’m up to date, read me!!”
I love internet marketing and strive to provide my clients with strong, up-to-date products or affiliate programs.
So if you’re looking for programs or products online, check copyright date first! If your selling products or services keep your site’s copyright updated!
Happy marketing to everyone and best of luck in all your endeavors!
Matt Janowski is a graphic designer and website designer. Creating Online Network Marketing sites for clients is his specialty.