6 Healthy Eating Tips for Active Adults

Written by Meri Raffetto RD

Continued from page 1

Drink, Drink, Drink The more you exercise,repparttar more you sweat. Replacing these fluids is vital for peak performance and endurance. During long workouts you may need a sports drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. Drink at least 8-10 servings of fluids/day.

Fueling Before A Workout This step alone will not only lengthen your workout but it will also increase your performance which is key when training for an event. If you don’t eat before exercise you will likely feel light-headedness, fatigue, and nausea. In addition, your body turns to muscle protein for fuel because it doesn’t have enough carbohydrate. By starting your workout well-fueled, your body will burn a combination ofrepparttar 112944 carbohydrate stored in your muscles and stored fat. Eat 2-4 hours before a workout or event. Choose a high carbohydrate, low fat, moderate protein meal or snack. Drink at least 10 ounces of water to help offset sweat loss during your workout.

Fueling After A Workout It is important to consume calories and fluids duringrepparttar 112945 first half hour after you exercise for optimal recovery. If you aren’t hungry right away a quick snack will do. Drinking a sports drink or 100% fruit juice will dorepparttar 112946 trick! Don’t forget to eat a meal later with protein to repair muscle damage.

© Meri Raffetto, 2004

Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She has developed online weight management programs to help people get off of diets and get into way of life. For more information or to sign up for our free newsletter, visit www.reallivingnutrition.com.

The Low Carb Craze and Other Dieting Mistakes

Written by Bill Belfert

Continued from page 1

“Survival Mode”

Whenever you eat, your digestive system converts most of your food…(especially large amounts of carbohydrates) to glucose (blood sugar). It’s a very complicated process but I’ll do my best to sum it up in a nutshell…

Anytime we eat while were in “survival mode,” because ofrepparttar molasses-pacerepparttar 112943 metabolism is at,repparttar 112944 body converts most ofrepparttar 112945 glucose…in conjunction withrepparttar 112946 hormone insulin…to fat.

This is why people who constantly starve themselves can gain weight while eating only once a day!

We’d like to speed up our metabolism, but unfortunately over thousands and thousands of years our bodies haven’t changed much fromrepparttar 112947 days ofrepparttar 112948 cave man.

Every time we eat, our bodies are already automatically going to convert it to fat…even if it’s fat free! Where’srepparttar 112949 justice???

So how do we change our body from fat storer to fat burner? We have to learn to use proper nutrition.

Sorepparttar 112950 question is…what is proper nutrition? OK… in a nutshell, my idea of proper nutrition is 4 to 5 portion-controlled, balanced meals about every 3 hours throughoutrepparttar 112951 day.

By eating this way throughoutrepparttar 112952 day, you’ll effortlessly speed up your metabolism.

Think of it this way. If you have a campfire burning and you don’t add wood torepparttar 112953 fire, eventuallyrepparttar 112954 campfire will burn out.

But if you add a little wood every few hours,repparttar 112955 campfire will continue to burn, and burn nice and hot! So you see,repparttar 112956 human metabolism is likerepparttar 112957 fire…never or rarely feed it, and it will slow down.

Feed it every few hours and it has no choice but to speed up.

What Is A Portion-Controlled Meal You Ask?

A portion-controlled meal is sensible portion of a lean protein, a sensible portion of a starchy carbohydrate, and a sensible portion of a fibrous carbohydrate.

Lean protein foods: - Skinless chicken breast - Skinless turkey breast - Tuna fish - Most fish in general - Egg whites - Protein powder

Starchy carbohydrates: - Sweet potato - Potato - Rice - Pasta - Oatmeal - Whole grain wheat bread

Fibrous Carbohydrates: - Corn - Broccoli - Cauliflower - Asparagus - Peppers

Here are a few examples of a portion-controlled meal:

Chicken breast with corn & rice Lean steak with potato & broccoli Fish with rice & salad Chicken pita sandwich Egg white omelet with mushrooms & oatmeal or farina

A "typical" day of eating on Bare Minimum Training might be :

7:00am: egg white omelet and oatmeal 10:00am: yogurt with cottage cheese 1:00 pm: tuna pita sandwich 4:00 pm: mushroom turkey burger on a whole grain bun 7:00 pm: Salmon with rice 8 8-ounce glasses of spring water (throughout entire day)

So you see if Anna Nicole Smith does not start to implement Proper Nutrition and a sound fitness program like Bare Minimum Training…

She’s setting yourself up for Failure…sure she has short term success but eventually she’ll gain allrepparttar 112958 weight back!!!

I hope she doesn’t gainrepparttar 112959 weight back…but she must change her ways if there’s any hope for long term success.

Take care, Bill Belfert ===================================================== Special Notice: If you have a topic you would like to have discussed or would like more information on a certain subject, just send me an email and let me know. It may take me a while to get to it, but I will. Your comments are welcome and appreciated. Send your inquiries to: Bill@Bare-Minimum-Training.com ============================================== ============================================== If you feel this information helped you in any way and you feel a friend can benefit from it as well. Please forward this newsletter to them right now and encourage them to sign up for my Free Fitness tips at: FREE Newsletter Sign up ============================================== ============================================== Aboutrepparttar 112960 Author:

Bill Belfert isrepparttar 112961 author of Bare Minimum Training

To learn more aboutrepparttar 112962 complete Bare Minimum Training system and find out whatrepparttar 112963 exercise infomercials DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW about losing weight, staying fit, and trimming down PERMANENTLY. Go to: www.Bare-Minimum-Training.com to seerepparttar 112964 stunning pictures and learn more. FREE AUDIO CD for a limited time. HURRY! ============================================== Take Care, and Remember...Finally Get Your Life Back... And Train Bare Minimally,

Bill Belfert Body Transformation Specialist Bare Minimum Training, LLC. 201-960-3824 http://www.Bare-Minimum-Training.com Bill@Bare-Minimum-Training.com

Copyright 2004 - 2005. Bill Belfert, Managing Member Bare Minimum Training LLC. All rights reserved. No liability is assumed by Bare Minimum Training LLC., Norrepparttar 112965 author for any information contained herein. This text does not provide medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a doctor. Bare Minimum Training LLC. advises all to consult a physician and gain medical clearance before you begin any new nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program.

Bill Belfert, THE World’s #1 No-B.S. Body Transformation Specialist, Shows Busy People How To Get EXTRAORDINARY Results FAST With His Breakthrough Weight Training Program & Total Fitness System By Only Going To The Gym Twice Per Week For 20 Minutes Or Less! AND, What’s More, You Only Need Moderate Cardio 3 Times Per Week For Only 18 Minutes! http://www.Bare-Minimum-Training.com

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