5 simple steps for ridding yourself of back pain

Written by Jesse Cannone

Continued from page 1
4. Consistent Focused Action - achieving success in anything requires consistency and focused action. Most people with back pain won't makerepparttar time to work on their problem each day... instead they take pain killers which maskrepparttar 115239 pain and allow them to cause more damage while they continue with their life. 5. Don't do what doesn't work - we already know that most traditional treatments for back pain don't work.... why waste your time, energy, and money? The real key to eliminating back pain is to identifyrepparttar 115240 true cause ofrepparttar 115241 pain and then address it with a combination of treatments to treat bothrepparttar 115242 cause and symptoms. Over 80% of all back pain is caused by muscle imbalances... NOT a lack of pain killers or surgery! Fid out what's going on in your body and take action.

Article by Jesse Cannone of http://www.losethebackpain.com. Jesse is a certified personal fitness trainer and post-rehab specialist and he has helped hundreds of individuals to eliminate their back pain. Visit his site now and be sure to sign up for his free email course on eliminating back pain.

Coming Clean: The Truth About Soap

Written by Chere Deshayes

Continued from page 1

Evidence abounds ofrepparttar healing properties of a handmade bar of soap. Those who suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as people that have sensitive skin or are hypoallergenic often find immediate relief by switching to handmade soap. Compared to store bought soap, handmade soap is very mild. They are often made from vegetable-based oils, such as olive, coconut, and palm and do not containrepparttar 115238 potentially harmful chemicals found in conventional bar soap. One ofrepparttar 115239 biggest differences between commercial soap and handmade soap is glycerine. Glycerine is a clear liquid that absorbs water fromrepparttar 115240 air and is a key factor in keeping skin soft and healthy. Glycerin soap is especially good for sensitive and delicate skin, and for children. Because it is a high quality by-product inrepparttar 115241 soap making process, many mass commercial soap manufacturers often extractrepparttar 115242 glycerine and sell it as a by-product to be used in higher priced products like lotions and skin creams.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Body

For adults,repparttar 115243 skin covers approximately 20 square feet ofrepparttar 115244 human body. It isrepparttar 115245 largest human organ and isrepparttar 115246 bodies first line of defense against dehydration, temperature, infection and harmful substances. Handmade soaps give your skinrepparttar 115247 care it deserves and make bathing a gentle, soothing experience.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Mind

For many of us today, life seems to move at an often hectic pace. Whilerepparttar 115248 stress of everyday life increases, personal time is at minimum. A fragrant, handmade bar of soap is a simple indulgence that fosters a feeling of relaxation and being pampered. Treat yourself or someone you love torepparttar 115249 benefits of handmade soap!

Chere Deshayes is the owner of Bath Plantation, a company that specializes in fine handcrafted bath and body products. Subscribe to her FREE newsletter at http://www.bathplantation.com/newsletter.html or visit her site at http://www.bathplantation.com.

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