5 hot Internet businesses for 2005

Written by Nowshade Kabir

Continued from page 1

The success of this business will depend on your target market and product that you are going to sell. Choose a very niche product and focus on a specific market segment. For example: Red Sea Rivera of Egypt is increasingly becoming a primer destination for many sun worshippers. Try working with several ofrepparttar hotels from this area. Create package deals and offer to European customers.

Resources ASTA http://www.astanet.com/index.asp NACTA http://www.nacta.com/ OSSN http://www.ossn.com/ ICTA http://www.icta.com/

eBay store

eBay has grown intorepparttar 108710 largest online marketplace inrepparttar 108711 world. Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this. Opening a store on repparttar 108712 eBay is fairly easy. However,repparttar 108713 competition is stiff! There are nearly half a million stores are selling almost anything you can think off. In order to be successful you have to choose your products very carefully. The best selling items onrepparttar 108714 auction marketplace are collectibles, books, computer software and hardware, clothing, home and garden supplies, business supplies, wholesale lots, DVDs, special events tickets and even cars and real estates. If you don’t have your own products or you don’t want to physically handle a product, you can consider selling drop-ship items.

The main reason why you should mull over selling your products through eBay isrepparttar 108715 sheer number of visitors eBay gets. By no means, an average website can bring you so many customers.

If you find difficulties doingrepparttar 108716 auction sales yourself, you can also concentrate on seeking out products and selling them through eBay drop off stores. You can also come up with your own drop off store.


http://www.entrepreneur.com/ebaycenter/0,6316,,00.html http://www.i-soldit.com/ http://www.quikdrop.com/

Web service firm

Services required byrepparttar 108717 Internet users and online businesses are increasing enormously. The Internet service industry is evolving so fast that for their various requirements, many companies, today, prefer outsourcing as oppose to doing things by hiring employees.

Large and small companies started to realize that it’s more cost-effective and time-saving to outsource sophisticated business related services, which are not their core business. This has created a flourishing industry, part of which did not even exist several years ago.

To be successful in this market you have to know what’srepparttar 108718 odds are. A rush to provide complex solutions of vast range that fail to provide benefits at reasonable costs for businesses will sure take you out of business very fast.

The services that you can provide may include:

Website design Website promotion Online security consulting


http://ezine.rusbiz.com/topic/4.html http://www.hwg.org/ http://www.webreference.com/ http://www.guru.com/

Export Import Business

Thanks torepparttar 108719 Internet, getting into import export business has never been easier. Asrepparttar 108720 nations are accumulating wealth, their demand for foreign made products is also swelling. You can be a part of this action too! Whether you are planning to import or export, Internet resources can be of great help too you. The trade leads site, B2B exchanges and various marketplaces have made sourcing and selling products and services globally simple, effective and inexpensive. You can also create your web store with many ofrepparttar 108721 B2B exchanges and run your business processes solely online.

Resources http://www.itintl.com/ http://ezine.rusbiz.com/article/24.html http://www.alibaba.com http://trade-leads.rusbiz.com http://marketplace.rusbiz.com http://www.export.gov/

Nowshade Kabir is the founder, primary developer and present CEO of Rusbiz.com. A Ph. D. in Information Technology, he has wide experience in Business Consulting, International Trade and Web Marketing. Rusbiz is a Global B2B Emarketplace with solutions to start and run online business. You can contact him at mailto:nowshade[at]rusbiz.com http://ezine.rusbiz.com/article/41.html

RSS FEEDS: Whither Thou Go'est?

Written by Tony Dean

Continued from page 1

The usage of search engine's for locating web sites will decline, unthinkable atrepparttar moment for most internet users, but their rss feeds directories will berepparttar 108709 most sought after to be able to access more 'feeds'. So search engine's will still survive, but usage habits will change.

The 'big-dogs' in rss feeds update news on their 'feeds' every fifteen minutes or so, they know that to keep a captive readership that they have to update frequently, or they will lose 'eyeballs' to some other service that's giving out more frequent news. This is critical from an advertisers point of view who wants his ads showing on web pages with updated news as frequently as possible.

I can feelrepparttar 108710 nudging elbow's already as advertisers are trying to getrepparttar 108711 best 'spots'.

The most money to be gained from rss feeds is byrepparttar 108712 person who owns one,repparttar 108713 advertising revenue from 'spots' on repparttar 108714 web pagesrepparttar 108715 'feed' points to will be flooding in, and with repparttar 108716 decline in effectiveness of newspaper advertising,repparttar 108717 rss feeds arerepparttar 108718 only place most advertisers are going to spend their money. The younger tech-savvy 18-24 year old's don't buy newspapers, they also don't switch onrepparttar 108719 television as much anymore, so television advertisers are looking at rss feeds, especiallyrepparttar 108720 big media companies who have millions of ad dollars to spend.

Remember this, anybody, even you, can put up a rss feed.

Tony Dean is a published author and runs a website at:- http://www.ebook-sales.com He is author of the e-book:-"Really Simple RSS" available from his web site.

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