5 Ways to Beat the Comparison Trap

Written by Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC

Continued from page 1

As an alternative, keep a daily journal ofrepparttar blessings you experience.

Whichever way you count your blessings, you'll gain perspective and be better able to resist making comparisons when you see how others are blessed.

Tips 3, 4 and 5 can be used inrepparttar 110888 moment when you begin to compare yourself with someone else.


It's amazing how a timely exhale can create space for serenity and perspective.

Start by bringing your attention to your breathing, at your belly. Don't try to manipulate your breath. Just notice it, followingrepparttar 110889 in-breath andrepparttar 110890 out-breath through several cycles. Then, on an out-breath, letrepparttar 110891 thoughts of comparison leave your body.

Once you've blownrepparttar 110892 comparison away, you might ask yourself, "Is this where I want to put my energy today?"


When you find yourself making a comparison, notice whetherrepparttar 110893 other person's success is reminding you of a hope or dream you have set aside. If so, be kind to yourself, and takerepparttar 110894 time to recognized your loss.


Try this tip now. Sit back comfortably. Think back to a time when you were feelingrepparttar 110895 pull ofrepparttar 110896 comparison trap. Now, try shifting to a perspective of gratitude. Once you makerepparttar 110897 shift, notice how you feel.

Gratitude is tremendous empowering. Shifting easily into gratitude may take a few tries, but it's a skill well worth cultivating.

YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR CAREER ARE UNIQUE. As you learn to focus more and more on your own life with calm, loving attention, you can leaverepparttar 110898 comparison trap far behind.

(c) 2004 Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC

Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC, specializes in helping women who are both professionals and parents to create balance. She draws on her experience as a parent, pastor, cancer center chaplain and writer. She edits "The Balance Point," a free bi-weekly e-zine, and offers free sample coaching sessions. Visit http://www.NormaSchmidt.com.

The Best Way to Protect Your Children in the Car

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

People using cell phones simply take longer to react, and miss things that would allow them to avoid collisions. Even when not at-fault, cell users were unable to avoid collisions with others.

Your cell phone records can and will be subpoened in case of a lawsuit involving an accident, byrepparttar way.

So why not, when you straprepparttar 110887 kids into their car seats, layrepparttar 110888 cell phone down onrepparttar 110889 floor beside them and turn offrepparttar 110890 ringer?

Cell phones are great for productivity and personal safety. Just make sure you aren’t using yours to callrepparttar 110891 EMS after a car accident caused byrepparttar 110892 fact you were using yours while driving.

Go here http://www.nysgtsc.state.ny.us/phon-ndx.htm for tips for safe cell phone use inrepparttar 110893 car (if there is such a thing). And when you buckle up, buckle uprepparttar 110894 cell as well.

P. S. And don’t letrepparttar 110895 grandparents offrepparttar 110896 hook either. According torepparttar 110897 National Public Services Research Institute for AAA, where cell phone use inrepparttar 110898 car is concerned,repparttar 110899 distraction effect in drivers overrepparttar 110900 age of 50 is 2-3 times as great and encompasses all tasks – placing calls, simple conversations, and complex conversations. They increase response time by 33-38%.

With statistics like this, can legislation be far behind? But do you need legislation to do what’s right?

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Coaching, Internet courses, and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your personal and professional development. Susan is the author of “How to Develop Your Child’s EQ.” For free ezine, mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc with “ezine” for SL.

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