5 Tips to Make the Right Decisions in the Midst of Chaos

Written by Beth Tabak

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Listen to Your Intuition~ Is this decision ego or soul driven? Is it coming fromrepparttar head orrepparttar 128540 heart? This is raising your level of consciousness and shifting from being in control to a place of trust. I had a teleclass leader at Coach U, www.coachinc.com , who said “if you can stoprepparttar 128541 chatter in your mind long enough to getrepparttar 128542 message you will find intuition is never wrong”.

Stop~ Be still, breathe, listen, be at peace, and rejuvenate. Principle 2 inrepparttar 128543 book The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, explains that “Because energy capacity diminishes both with overuse and with underuse, we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal.” Make decisions from a place of renewal vs. being drained.

Acts Boldly onrepparttar 128544 Important Stuff First~ When you discoverrepparttar 128545 right answers follow up with bold action trusting that you have everything within you to handle whateverrepparttar 128546 outcome. The right answers are not alwaysrepparttar 128547 easiest. Martin Luther King’s right answer took guts. Oprah’s decision to take “the high road” took guts. Know you are capable of so much more.

Imaginerepparttar 128548 transformation in your life and business if you take a moment to consciously upgrade your decisions. Try it, and let me know how it works out for you!

Copyright 2005 © Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

Beth Tabak is a Business & Life Coach, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She coaches small business owners and professionals to step out in a big, bold way to grow beyond limits, and create the life and business they keep thinking about. See what’s in it for you at http://www.startingnowcoaching.com .


Written by Adela M Rubio

Continued from page 1
Rainer Maria Rilke Try this exercise, "Engaging Your Life Purpose with Recurring Questions": 1. Jot downrepparttar top three questions that have been surfacing and re-surfacing in your life. These should be questions that have repeatedly come back to you and have been like a beacon - shiningrepparttar 128538 way towards an unknown port. (For example, mine could be "How can I heal my wounded heart?", "How can I make things better?", "How can I connect fully and authentically to others?") 2. Think of turning points in your life where these questions have led you to an 'answer'. Take a few moments to do some free flow writing (that means just writing thoughts as they occur to you) on each of these. 3. Take a highlighter and pick outrepparttar 128539 salient insights. Notice any themes or connections and write a sentence describing howrepparttar 128540 questions have shed light on your life purpose and/orrepparttar 128541 quality of your life. The quality and depth of your questions dictatesrepparttar 128542 landscape of your world. It is not a world where you are buffeted around byrepparttar 128543 winds of chance and are haphazardly flounced upon your face; it is a wondrous playground where dreams come to life as you entertainrepparttar 128544 questions that are etched in your heart. The questions that inflame your passion can only be brought to life by you. You arerepparttar 128545 vessel which can pourrepparttar 128546 essence of your being intorepparttar 128547 world. There is no other. So, are you livingrepparttar 128548 lackluster, surface questions or are you embracingrepparttar 128549 questions that lie atrepparttar 128550 core of your being? The answer is murmuring inrepparttar 128551 questions gleaned from your soul. Be still, listen and harken torepparttar 128552 liquid gold emblazoned on your heart. The world yearns for your questions to come alive. If exploringrepparttar 128553 deeper questions in a supportive, fun and playful environment is something that is calling to you now please join us for The Question isrepparttar 128554 Answer. This is a complimentary teleclass, every Thursday, beginning, Apr 7, 12pm ET. To register forrepparttar 128555 call go to http://www.adelarubio.com.

Adela M. Rubio is a writer, speaker and coach. She works with clients to fine tune their energy sources so they have the juice to fuel their vision. Adela is a certified Holistic Health Counselor, Passion Crafting Facilitator, personal trainer, and Reiki Master. Adela is Coachville Chapter Director and a Community Coach at Coachville's Fully Alive Community. Visit her website, or send an email for further info.

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