5 Steps to Write an Irresistible Tip Sheet

Written by Susan Harrow

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to write a tip sheet so it will bring yourepparttar business you want without having to blare it. In other wordsrepparttar 119618 right people will be attracted to what you have to give. Use examples that includerepparttar 119619 kind of clients or experiences you want. I remember one of my jewelry designer friends telling me a particular pitfall when selling a line of earrings. She had one type of dangly thing a ma gig readily available in red and yellow both of whichrepparttar 119620 buyer ordered. She then askedrepparttar 119621 buyer, *Would you like to buy them in purple also?* The buyer responded, *I don't know, show merepparttar 119622 purple.* She realized thatrepparttar 119623 buyer couldn't makerepparttar 119624 visual leap to imaginingrepparttar 119625 earrings in purple. This buyer is not alone. Many people, no matter what their profession, don't see how you can help them unless you state it explicitly. Odd as it may seem it must pertain to them or their business exactly for them to understand you're a match with what they need.

5. Nudge that funnybone.

Humor makes a piece more attractive to journalists. They want to entertain their audience even ifrepparttar 119626 subject is serious.

Write your tip sheet today!

Learn more about writing tip sheets and other materials to gain publicity for your business, product or cause in *Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul*(HarperCollins). Go to http://www.prsecretstore.com for your free excerpts today.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Susan Harrow, All Rights Reserved.

Susan Harrow, CEO of PRSecrets.com and BookedOnOprah.com, is a top media coach, marketing strategist and author of *Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul* (HarperCollins), *The Ultimate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah*, and *How You Can Get a 6-Figure Book Advance.* Clients include CEOs, bestselling authors and entrepreneurs who have appeared on Oprah,60 Minutes,NPR,and in TIME, USA Today,Parade, People,O,NY Times,WSJ,and Inc.

Why Internet Marketing Is NOT The Way To Go

Written by By William Caleb Rodgers a.k.a. The-WezeeMall-Know-It-All

Continued from page 1

Just go to http://www.Dynamic.SecretsToTheirSuccess.com/t.cgi/836934 to get immediate access. There’s one thing most have in common and we’ll get to that in a minute.

The most impressive interview was withrepparttar mysterious Mr. “H” http://www.MarketingTips.com/DirectSales/t.cgi/836934 He generates over $32,876 a day with one ofrepparttar 119617 ugliest web sites I’ve ever seen!

The main thing he andrepparttar 119618 other successfuls key on is marketing super-targeted “niche” products. For those of you who may not know a “niche” is simply a particularly specialized area derived from a more general area. For example: instead of a site that sells shoes-where there’s lots of fierce competition-try selling only a particular style for a particular name-brand shoe. This reduces competition and draws onlyrepparttar 119619 most responsive buyers to your site. In other wordsrepparttar 119620 only visitors you’ll get are those who specifically want that particular style for that particular shoe!

Remember there were over 73,400,00 results forrepparttar 119621 phrase “internet marketing”. Good luck beating out all that competition especially if you’re just starting out. All you had to do was just narrow down your niche product or service and watch your stats climb torepparttar 119622 heavens! Futhermore, how can you market internet marketing advice that you haven’t even used yourself?!?

Sorepparttar 119623 internet marketing of Internet Marketing is NOTrepparttar 119624 way to go. Don’t market Mr.”H”, Corey Rudl, or John Reese instead market a specialty product or service usingrepparttar 119625 advice of Mr.”H”, Corey Rudl, and John Reese gives.

The product may not be in Internet Marketing but you still have to use internet marketing to sell it. Smile!

William Caleb Rodgers a.k.a. The-WezeeMall-Know-It-All from Port Arthur, Texas. Do all yor online shopping at http://www.Tinyurl.com/4fg5l

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