5 Steps To Healthy Spending Habits

Written by Barbara Gibson

Continued from page 1

Step 4.

Write a budget in pencil. Writing in pencil will help you remember that your budget is a fluid document. As you live with it you will probably need to make changes. That’s okay. You may even want to include a little mad money each month. It is far better to blow a budgeted $20.00 than it is to impulsively fritter away $200.00.

Step 5

Set a savings goal and make it something specific and important. A meaningful savings goal keeps feelings of deprivation away while providingrepparttar motivation you will need to stay on track. Be patient with yourself if you do get off track. If it helps, try writing your goals down and posting them or maybe even carrying a picture that represents your goal. Refer to these as often as you need. It may also be useful to try to determine what emotional need your spending fills for you and look for another way to get your needs met. Remember, developing a new habit takes practice. In time you may even learn to love your new healthy spending habits. It is liberating to be in control of your finances. So, go ahead, clip those coupons. Write your budget and honor your savings goal. That (insert your goal here) can be in your future if you decide to make it happen.

Barbara Gibson publishes monthly for http://CreditUnionRate.com The Leading Credit Union Directory. Search, Find, Join.

Consumer Action: Putting The “Freeze” On Credit Files

Written by James Dimmitt

Continued from page 1

Companies that sell credit file data, includingrepparttar credit reporting agencies, argue that freezing credit files is “overkill.” For some people, such a freeze could become a constant hassle. Before applying for a loan or opening a new bank account, they would have to contactrepparttar 145505 credit bureaus to temporarily unfreeze their files, a process that could take several days.

They also claim it would prevent consumers from taking advantage of instant credit promotions such as “10% off purchases” when applying for a new store-issued credit card. And applying for a mortgage would become “more complicated, with even more paperwork.”

Whether you feelrepparttar 145506 option of being able to freeze your credit data is a good idea or a bad idea one thing is becoming increasingly clearer - consumers want more control over who has access to their personal and financial information.

© 2005, http://www.yourfreecreditreportnow.com

James H. Dimmitt - James is editor of "TO YOUR CREDIT", a free weekly newsletter with tips to help you manage your personal finances. Subscribe today and receive his e-book “IDENTITY THEFT- How To Avoid Becoming the Next Victim!” and other free bonuses by visiting http://www.yourfreecreditreportnow.com

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