5 Simple steps to building a massive opt-in list.

Written by Gerardo Flores

Continued from page 1
*3 Ezine advertising. Don’t get scared if you don’t know what an ezine is. It just stands for “electronic magazine.” This is a publication you send out weekly, bi-weekly, or every other day. If you don’t have an ezine there are many software programs out there that can help you publish your very own ezine. After you have your ezine, you can advertise it for free in ezine directories. This will give you lots of exposure and tons of traffic and tons of money! I would say ezine advertising is probablyrepparttar most powerful form of free advertising. *4 “Pay per click” advertising. This is a relatively cheap way to advertise. So far we’ve been discussing free ways to advertise and now we get to invest. Pay per click advertising simply means you pay for every person that clicks on to your website. You can buy them for about 1 cent per person. So it can be very cheap. Some pay per click websites will even give you $5 to $10 to start off just for signing up! If you sign up for “plug in profit site” you can get $1,500 in free pay per click advertising! Check my bio for details. *5 Solo ad advertising. This form of advertising requires some investment. How much depends on you. Solo ad ezine owners can charge any where from $25 to $1,500! So your results depend on which company you use and more importantly on your sale copy. If you don’t have a proper sales page you will be very disappointed.

So this endsrepparttar 100345 lesson for today. I hope this information will help you in your mission on building a strong massive opt-in list of subscribers. If you apply these methods to you marketing you can rest assure that you will become pretty successful.

Wishing yourepparttar 100346 very best, Gerardo Flores

**************************************** Gerardo will give you your very own money making website, completely customized with your ezine-in-a-box included. You’ll also get $1500 in free pay per click advertising Visit: http://pluginprofitsite.com/main-6851


Top Ten Tips Part 1

Written by Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)

Continued from page 1

Respectrepparttar apostrophe

I know, I know, this is part of punctuation. I happen to think that apostrophes have spent so long being either ignored or abused they now deserve a mention of their own. I can cope quite well with commas and full stops appearing inrepparttar 100344 wrong place but an incorrectly inserted apostrophe makes me see red. Why do so many people insist on usingrepparttar 100345 apostrophe when they clearly have no idea of its function? Beats me. An improperly placed apostrophe is to writing what a huge, ugly wart is torepparttar 100346 nose on a beautiful face. Cruel people will point and laugh at you. You think I am exaggerating? If I am part of a minority on this point, why did so many people buy "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" that it became Book ofrepparttar 100347 Year? Perhaps they thought it was a story about a panda.

Get great grammar

The rules of grammar are not difficult. Inrepparttar 100348 olden days even little kids were taught grammar at school. Like mathematical tables, grammar is no longer treated as an important subject. Most people can get through life without missingrepparttar 100349 tables which were once memorised by every child who ever went to school. People now have electronic calculators to do their mathematical thinking for them but nothing has replacedrepparttar 100350 need to understand basic grammar. Please don’t makerepparttar 100351 mistake of relying onrepparttar 100352 "grammar check" on your word processor: I am not saying that this tool is entirely without merit but, if you do not knowrepparttar 100353 rules yourself, you can create hilarious results by going along withrepparttar 100354 recommendations of your word processing package. Another good thing aboutrepparttar 100355 rules of grammar is that they don’t keep changing so, once you learnrepparttar 100356 rules, they will stand you in good stead forrepparttar 100357 whole of your writing career. Along with punctuation, it is grammar which determines whether or not your writing makes sense. If you don’t knowrepparttar 100358 rules, you will not know if your writing makes sense but other people will, believe me. (Back to pointing and laughing again.)

(This is part one of a two part article which you can read in its entirety at my website: http://www.huntingvenus.com/ecwart1.htm)

This is one of a series of articles published by the author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at http://www.huntingvenus.com The author’s monthly newsletter is available free from mailto:networkerhvm@ReportsNetwork.com

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