5 Simple Weight & Health Watching Tips

Written by Nick

Continued from page 1

4. Have A Healthy Snack - It's 4 inrepparttar afternoon and you are getting hungry. Dinner won't be served for another 3 hours, and you need something to eat. Don't take outrepparttar 136425 chips bag or reach intorepparttar 136426 cookie jar. Rather, make yourself a nice little snack. An apple and a small chunk of cheese tastes very nice. Some cheese and pretzels do, too. A granola bar. A couple cheese and crackers. Maybe a nutragrain bar. The idea is to eat a healthy snack that will fill you up untilrepparttar 136427 next meal, and not be constantly snacking.

5. Walk Your Dog - Do you have a dog? Well, all dogs need to be walked, even though a lot of owners don't do it. It not only provides great exercise, it is also refreshing and can provide other benefits. We're not talking about a long mile walk (though if you can, bravo), maybe just up a couple streets and back. Give yourself and your dog a chance to stretch your legs and work off a couple of calories. Meet some other people while you're at it and enjoyrepparttar 136428 outdoors!

Nick runs http://fizod.com , a community for teenagers.

AmeriPlan USA®the Nation's Premier Provider Access USA, Saving Its Members Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Health Benefits

Written by Hanna Khalil

Continued from page 1

The alternative to insurance is being uninsured. Insurance cost is out of reach for many people; many people are taking on higher deductibles and taking advantage ofrepparttar new Health Savings Accounts or HSA’s. HSA’s are pre-tax savings accounts that are used to pay towardrepparttar 136413 deductible. Some people take advantage ofrepparttar 136414 AmeriPlan Health™ program so they can leave more money in their HSA’s and still have quality health care. Whilerepparttar 136415 program is currently available in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, California, Illinois, and New York, there has never been a better time to become an Independent Business Owner with AmeriPlan USA®. We are looking for partners to help market this great product nationwide. The new Consumer Driven Health Care program will berepparttar 136416 wave ofrepparttar 136417 future.

Contact: email protected from spam bots or call 1-888-210-8078 and request a free DVD on “The Future of Health Care” and brochure.

If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contactrepparttar 136418 company listed inrepparttar 136419 press release. Please do not contact PR Web. We will be unable to assist you with your inquiry. PR Web disclaims any content contained in these releases. Our complete disclaimer appears here. Contact Information Hanna Khalil http://www.Hkhalil.SimpleAsAbc.com 1-888-210-8078

AmeriPlan® is the largest referral fee-for-services program in the country. Our track record of success in providing access to affordable supplemental health benefits speaks for itself. We know our business.

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