5 Questions you must ask your realtor before you list your house for sale.

Written by Vince Ohare

Continued from page 1

3 What isrepparttar average time when it comes to listing and actually selling a house? If they are moving houses too quickly they might not be gettingrepparttar 101263 best prices that they can.

4 How long have you been in business? You always want someone with experience that is a no brainer.

5 Do you have assisants in case I need to get in touch with someone? Every real estate agent has assisants if they are serious about their work.

This is just a list to go by before you sell your house. Your main goal is to getrepparttar 101264 best possible price. If you want ask around your neighborhood or go torepparttar 101265 local community meetings and ask around. Odds are someone inrepparttar 101266 room has bought a house inrepparttar 101267 neighborhood.

For more tips like this visit A1-Moving-Supplies.com

Vince Ohare is a free-lance writer that has been published on many internet topics. This article can be republished as long as the links stay intact.

Oh the Woes of Tax Time – Fear Not, Get Organized and Breathe Easy

Written by Joe Cirillo

Continued from page 1
for your 2005 receipts and startrepparttar process early. Create a file so you can tuck them away until you are ready for them. Create a system that fits your lifestyle – everyone has a unique way to organize, just make sure it’s not a large garbage bad stuffed into your kitchen cabinets. Now that you have everything arranged by date, it will be much easier to match up your receipts to your bank and credit card statements. A great way to stay ahead ofrepparttar 101262 game is to utilize accounting software like QuickBooks or Quicken. This will allow you to easily print reports and track your expenses versus your income. Or, using an Excel spreadsheet is a great way to calculate your expenses by category.

Makerepparttar 101263 time. Incorporate this process into your bill paying time every month. Once you get started and seerepparttar 101264 time you have saved yourself, you will be more likely to continue to organize and prepare for next year so tax season becomes seamless, and shall we say – less taxing.

Why wait? Organize today and save time tomorrow.

It’s Your Time is available in bookstores across the nation or on Cirillo’s Web site: http://www.joecirillo.com. Cirillo has a long list a happy customers that say his methods will help you organize everything and gain up to two hours a day. Joe Cirillo lives in Sun Valley, Idaho where he is currently releasing his second book The Italian Club, Original family recipes brought over from Naples, Italy.

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