5 Killer Ways To Explode Your OPT-In List

Written by Wesley Atkins

Continued from page 1

Atrepparttar bottom of your post in you signature or a P.S you can addrepparttar 124844 following:

To get ‘day-2’ of this special report, please send a blank email to: yournewsletter@yourautoresponder.com - This points to your newsletter with ‘day 2’ preloaded to send out.

You getrepparttar 124845 idea.. This builds great anticipation and will generate a lot of interest. Just make sure your initial report is compelling enough for them to wantrepparttar 124846 second edition.

4. Run a Reward Scheme To Existing Subscribers. If you have an existing list of over 500 subscribers, you could send out an announcement to them saying that you are running a special promotion forrepparttar 124847 next 30 days, and you are going to offer them a reward for sending yourepparttar 124848 most subscribers.

You could send them a cash bonus or a free program atrepparttar 124849 end ofrepparttar 124850 month. This can all be tracked by simple affiliate script software.

5. Submit To Ezine Publishers. There will be many existing email list owners on your chosen topic. You could approach them and ask politely to use your article in their ezine.

Publishers are always onrepparttar 124851 lookout for new content to send to their lists. Don't forgetrepparttar 124852 resource box to sign up for your ezine.

If you write them an email, just follow these points and they should have no reason to reject your offer.

a. Subscribe to their ezine for a couple of editions and get to knowrepparttar 124853 way they do things. b. When your report is ready, email them with a positive comment about their newsletter. c. Make sure you article or report is helpful and ask them to publish it in their ezine. d. In return offer them something for free. Ie. A report you have written around that chosen topic.

s long as your report is useful and you approach them politely and positively, you should be able to get your article published in various ezines.

Wesley Atkins is the owner of Reviewbooth.com, containing, numerous web site marketing tips, articles, and reviews of marketing tools and business software. You may join his newsletter by sending a blank email to: mailto:reviewbooth@parabots.com - Plus you will be sent a FREE ECourse on Getting Top 10 Positions On Google.

Post Your Job Positions on the Net

Written by Tamara Jong

Continued from page 1
job board(s) will save time and resources. It is an effective way of hiring. You can't expand your business without clients, however employees arerepparttar wheels which cause your business to run or not run, and allows business to function effectively and successfully. Advertising is a sign of growth and success. You can hope to attract talent by word of mouth. But, why leave your company’s future inrepparttar 124843 hands of hope? You need to be proactive and prepared. If you want someone to say, “ I want to work for this company!”, then you need to show them why. Inrepparttar 124844 end, it just makes perfect business sense. Many corporations have spearheaded themselves intorepparttar 124845 21st century by posting onrepparttar 124846 net and attracting quality candidates. What impression is your corporation making?

To post or not to post? That really shouldn’t berepparttar 124847 question.

Email Tamara @info@canjobs.com

Tamara Jong is the Marketing Coordinator for Canjobs and handles the online content management for Canjobs.com-Your source for jobs in Canada

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