5 Essential Ingredients To Success With Your Own Business

Written by Arthur Cooper

Continued from page 1

5.Luck Luck? Is that it, then? The other four items are in my control. I haverepparttar desire, I have a plan, I can getrepparttar 104424 knowledge, I am prepared to work hard. But luck? What can I do about that?

Actually quite a lot. Luck is reallyrepparttar 104425 wrong word, but it is what people use. It is what other people must have had when they succeed. It is what unsuccessful people think they never have.

But you can make your own ‘luck’. Successful people have often failed many times before they have their ‘lucky break’. But they have that burning desire and they have pick themselves up and start again. They redraw their plans and set out once again. They start again with a little bit more knowledge than they had before. And they work hard to succeed this time.

Substituterepparttar 104426 word ‘resiliance’ forrepparttar 104427 word ‘luck’ and you are much nearerrepparttar 104428 truth. It isrepparttar 104429 abiliity to hang on in there and stay with it when things go wrong.

So follow your desire, make your plans, keep learning, and work hard. You can succeed. And......Good luck!

(c) Copyright 2004

Arthur Cooper is a writer and publisher. For more of his articles go to: http://www.arthurcooper.com/ For articles ebooks and courses go to: http://www.barrel-publishing.com/

How To Get A Standing Ovation From Your Customers—Successfully Managing Continuous Improvement

Written by Kirk Chadrick

Continued from page 1
that an organization cannot and will not effectively evolve ifrepparttar executive leadership is not completely committed to improving quality. More of what that entails will have to berepparttar 104423 focus of a separate writing. 6 Ways to approach increasing quality in an organization: 1. Facilitate a more rapid progression towards quality throughrepparttar 104424 use of repetition to buildrepparttar 104425 behavioral and management skills your managers and allow them to more readily develop those skills. 2. Reduce management and supervisor frustration by developing a positive, results-oriented attitude within each manager, thereby creating a more positive and motivating organizational environment. 3. Develop overall management and leadership skills such as open and honest communication, delegation skills, coaching, planning, problem solving, time management, leadership and motivation. 4. Provide a system of goal setting and action planning with managers so as to permitrepparttar 104426 achievement of management’s objectives in conjunction withrepparttar 104427 Quality Management System. 5. Crystallize and communicate organizational objectives while monitoring progress and providing a systematic approach to effective time management toward reaching these goals and objectives. This will raiserepparttar 104428 level of each manager’s success and reducing frustration. 6. Integraterepparttar 104429 goals ofrepparttar 104430 organization withrepparttar 104431 personal goals ofrepparttar 104432 managers, thus creating an environment of motivation and mutual commitment. As you can well imagine, some of these goals will be easier to implement than others but for all of themrepparttar 104433 time and effort will be greatly rewarded. The real objective is to have quality as a way of life forrepparttar 104434 organization and to haverepparttar 104435 improving of that quality a process that is defined and includes activities for every member ofrepparttar 104436 organization.

Kirk Chadrick CEO of Presence Consulting

Kirk Chadrick is President & CEO of Presence Consulting and specializes in Management, Quality, and Process Improvement.

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