5 Easy Ways A Treadmill Helps You Lose Weight

Written by Kathryn O'Neill, H.BSc. NWS

Continued from page 1

Did you know that experts tell us that two 15-minute workouts can give usrepparttar same exercise benefits as one 30-minute workout?

Here's where a home treadmill can help:

A treadmill allows you to split your workouts up into mini-workouts and still burn just as many calories!

Maybe you want to go for a 15 minute wake-up walk inrepparttar 112882 morning. Maybe it's a 20-minute light jog at lunch. What about a 10-minute power walk just before dinner to curb your appetite or fight night-time boredom?

Whether it's 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 or 20, it all adds up in weight loss. With a treadmill, YOU'RE in charge of your workout time.

#4: A Home Treadmill Gives Yourepparttar 112883 Benefit of All-Year-Round ANY Time Exercise!

Ok, here it is - one ofrepparttar 112884 MOST IMPORTANT benefits of having a home treadmill:


If you live in northern climates you know that walking or jogging inrepparttar 112885 snow and ice is NOT fun. What about when it's raining? Scratch exercise offrepparttar 112886 list!

A home treadmill can be one ofrepparttar 112887 best exercise comforts around because you can use it regardless ofrepparttar 112888 weather or time of day.

AND you can also exercise in any type of clothing that you want (no worrying about wearing that ratty t-shirt torepparttar 112889 gym!).

#5: By Usingrepparttar 112890 Large Muscles in Your Legs, A Treadmill Helps You Burn MAJOR FAT Calories

A recent Woman's World article maderepparttar 112891 startling claim that, contrary to popular belief, gentle walking is one ofrepparttar 112892 BEST ways to burn fat!


It seems that gentle walking allows your body to go STRAIGHT torepparttar 112893 fat stores for energy instead of first depleting your sugar (glycogen) stores (used by your body for quick energy).

Not only that, there's been countless studies including one byrepparttar 112894 American Medical Association, that rank a treadmill asrepparttar 112895 #1 cardiovascular machine for losing weight and burning calories.

Workingrepparttar 112896 larger muscles in your legs burns maximum calories which means more weight lost. You can even increase your calories-burned by walking uphill which uses even more muscles!

Given all their benefits it's no wonder that treadmill sales have continued to skyrocket overrepparttar 112897 past five years with more and more people starting their own fitness and weight loss programs at home.

So if you want to lose weight and get into great shape, a treadmill can be an excellent investment to help you to achieve your goals. No matter what you decide be sure to have fun and make your health a priority!

Kathryn O'Neill is the chief editor for Treadmill Review

For more buying tips, treadmill brand reviews, and best buys visit http://www.treadmillreview.net

Activity + Poor Food Choices = Non Healthy Lifestyle

Written by Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

Next be sure you let them be active inrepparttar planning and preparation of meals. Let them give their input. Takerepparttar 112881 time to talk to them aboutrepparttar 112882 foods you are making and they are eating. And please don’t tell me you don’t haverepparttar 112883 time, makerepparttar 112884 time or in all honesty why did you have children!

Yes, we want our children to be active and involved. However, one big caveat here is to limitrepparttar 112885 number of activities your children get involved with. Too many children today join everything to please their parents and they are exhausted! So be realistic with their time just as you would be with yours. Be sure to emphasize to your child that they don’t have to be involved in everything. Emphasis that if they do too much they are going to make compromises in one or more activities and that isn’t fair to that particular group. Talk to them about down time. Be sure they know it is OK to relax. We need balance in our life andrepparttar 112886 only way to be sure we do is to do everything in moderation and get that down time for ourselves. Relaxing restores our balance which is so very important for healthy living.

So let’s start today to show our children that Healthy Eating + Activity = Healthy Lifestyle!

Copyright 2005, DeFiore Enterprises

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