5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight

Written by Amie Gerlowski

Continued from page 1

4. Choose Variety! Don't let popular dieting trends fool you: Carbs are good for you too! In fact, carbohydrates are what your brain run on and are very important for proper body functions. Following a high-protein diet over a long period of time can not only cause headaches, but also places considerable stress onrepparttar kidney. The important thing is to eat a variety of foods. This includes fruits, vegetables and even carbs. Just remember to be smart aboutrepparttar 139517 types of carbs you eat:: whole wheat instead of white.

5. Eat Slowly! We all get in a hurry from time to time, but it is important to takerepparttar 139518 time to listen to our bodies. Eating quickly doesn't give our bodies time to tell our brains that we have eaten enough. Consequently, we continue eating and are left filling stuffed and bloated. Eating more slowly allows us to recognize when we actually have eaten enough and stop—it also helps us savour and enjoyrepparttar 139519 food we do eat.

Essential to loosing weight is giving our bodies what they need. This means drinking plenty of water, eating timely and proper meals, staying active, and giving our bodyrepparttar 139520 time to tell us when it is full. Our bodies will reward us for our attention.

Amie Gerlowski writes about weight loss products such as Hoodia. Learn more about Hoodia Gordonii at Hoodia-Dietpills.com.

Clean Home, Healthy Family? How To Make Sure One Leads To The Other

Written by Vincent Platania

Continued from page 1
What surprises many people is that these cleaning products work just as well--and often better--than their commercially-made counterparts. Users find that their homes are just as clean and smell just as fresh. Furthermore, they haverepparttar peace of mind thatrepparttar 139493 products they have used to achieve these results are 100% safe for them, their families, and even their pets. Thanks to scientific research and testing, these safe cleaners are more readily available and more affordable than they have ever been. Most health food stores will carry a line of bio- safe, non-toxic cleaning products, and they're widely available for ordering onrepparttar 139494 Internet. As more and more people discoverrepparttar 139495 potential hazards and dangers of traditional, commercially-produced cleaning products,repparttar 139496 popularity of safe cleansers continues to rise. The more people you talk to,repparttar 139497 more people you'll find--including many physicians--who advocaterepparttar 139498 use of these safer products. So, if they don't use harmful chemicals, how do these natural products get your home clean? Many of them use citrus-based oils, as well as ingredients from corn and other replenishable, organic materials. These bio-safe, non-poisonous cleaners contain no dyes, artificial fragrances, or pesticide residues. Many even use recycled materials for packaging and labeling. Even if we aren't concerned aboutrepparttar 139499 environmental factors, all of us are concerned aboutrepparttar 139500 health and well-being of our families and ourselves. Especially for people with young children, getting rid of dangerous chemicals inrepparttar 139501 home is an important step in ensuringrepparttar 139502 safety of those we care about.

Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit http://www.fuller-brush-products.com

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