5 DIY Anti-aging Tactics.

Written by Yvonne Finn

Continued from page 1

(4)Be interested and interesting! Yes, we are all short on time, we are busy people, but you must make time to be interested in others, your community,repparttar world. You will find that isrepparttar 128528 only way to be interesting yourself. Learn something new, a language, a new style of cooking or dance. Learn about a culture that's different than your own. Ageless, interesting individuals always seem to want to know more about life. Try not to pry or judge, just be open to sharing opinions and knowledge. (5)Groomimg is ageless! When did you last update your looks? A new hair style or wardrobe is a very effective anti-aging tactic. Today there are so many flattering styles of dressing, everyone of us can find one that works perfectly for us. Subtle changes in hair coloring can make you look years younger. Lose a few pounds if you need to. There is a diet that will work for you. Find skin care that's right for your skin type. Take care of your nails and teeth. Beautiful well cared for hands is a must for you, if you want to appear younger!

Anti-aging is more a matter of makingrepparttar 128529 most of what you have, thanrepparttar 128530 sporadic and temporary results gained by invasive and expensive surgeries. Agelessness is more about maintenance overrepparttar 128531 long-term than any qick fixes.

Meaningful beauty is not just smooth skin (which is nice) but it is also an outlook on life, your life. Treat yourself and others with respect. Balance your physical, emotional and spiritual life. No one else can or will do it for you! Get rest when you need it, play when you haverepparttar 128532 opportunity. Own your emotions, accept responsiblity for your actions, apologise for your mistakes, give and accept praise gracefully. One ofrepparttar 128533 best ways to anti-age yourself is to not only look good, but to be pleasant and interesting to be around!

Yvonne has been helping her family, friends and customers choose effective, affordable skin care for over 30 years. She invites you to come visit her at http://www.herbalhealthyskin.com to have help you make your own selections.

Increase Your Intelligence With Music

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

What these new products do is embed music with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency. You just put inrepparttar right CD or MP3 for your activity (you don't wan't an Alpha state for analytical work), and you get better brain function. Science? Partly.

It is well established that our brain wave frequencies change with our mental states and vice-versa. It is has also been clearly demonstrated that meditators can go into an alpha state at will, and that this has beneficial effects (lowering of stress, blood pressure, etc.). Dorepparttar 128525 tapes accomplish this more easily?

Yes, in my experience. I've found two products that put me in a peaceful state unlike any other music or meditative practice. Studies will proverepparttar 128526 effects (some have already), and disproverepparttar 128527 wilder claims of some of these products. Givenrepparttar 128528 results I experienced, however, I wouldn't wait forrepparttar 128529 research, any more than I would have waited for proof ofrepparttar 128530 existence of vitamin C before I'd continue eating limes to cure scurvy a hundred years ago.

Wait for more evidence ofrepparttar 128531 benefits of brainwave entrainment, if you must, but why not try classical music repparttar 128532 next time you need to study, just to see if it helps? Experiment with music - I haven't yet heard of any damage caused by Mozart.

Steve Gillman has been studying brain improvement, concentration, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe for free to his Brain Power Newsletter at: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com/newsletter.html

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