5 Business Development Blunders

Written by Joseph Sommerville, PhD

Continued from page 1

4. Failing to adapt torepparttar situation. The problem with using a sales script is that it assumes too much. It assumes similar motivators, perspectives and situations in life. A financial planner I know has developed a very clever approach to meeting clients. He places bowls nearrepparttar 103496 cash registers of higher-end restaurants in his territory. On each bowl, he places a small sign encouraging patrons to drop their business card in for a chance at a free meal at that restaurant. He goes throughrepparttar 103497 cards periodically and invites someone to lunch withrepparttar 103498 understanding that he’d like a few minutes to talk about his services. When I met him for lunch, he presented his sales talk that assumed A. I had taken on a big mortgage to finance my house (I didn’t) B. I had to save for a child’s college fund (I don’t) and C. that my parents might someday need assisted living care (they’re both dead). Treat each meeting as unique and don’t assume too much.

5. Failing to distinguish features from benefits. Salespeople often focus on telling someone what a product or service is or does atrepparttar 103499 expense of what problem it solves or what pain it takes away. I once observed a commercial leasing agent show office space. As he metrepparttar 103500 clients inrepparttar 103501 building foyer, he commented onrepparttar 103502 large parking lot outside. That was a feature statement. A benefit statement would have focused on how clients would never have to search for parking or that people could always park close torepparttar 103503 building in bad weather. Let’s say your product includes a video—that’s only a feature. The benefit is that someone can see exactly how to use your product. Apply this test torepparttar 103504 statements you make—askrepparttar 103505 “so what” question. If you can’t answer it, you’ve got a feature rather than a benefit.

Developing good communication skills is a result of thinking more strategically about how communication affects our interactions with others, then putting those strategies into play. When you avoid these top five blunders of business development, you’ll not only gain more business, you’ll lose less. Remember, if your idea is important, it deserves to get heard.

©2004 Peak Communication Performance

As the leading authority on the language of influence, Dr. Joseph Sommerville shows professionals how to create more persuasive messages that increase sales, visibility and credibility. He is the President of Peak Communication Performance (www.peakcp.com), a Houston-based firm working worldwide to help professionals develop skills in strategic communication. Contact him at Sommerville@Peakcp.Com

Schedule Time for Interruptions

Written by Eric Plantenberg

Continued from page 1

But we do not want to tell our clients, managers, and co-workers that we aren’t there for them… So now you can haverepparttar best of both. You have a specific time predetermined in your day that you are available for ‘scheduled interruptions.’ Instead to denyingrepparttar 103495 requests of others, you can simply plan a time that you will be able to help them.

The second component is to stick to your schedule and communicate to others when you are available for them and when you are not. If this seems unrealistic or impractical, that is because you have never tried it! Inrepparttar 103496 long run, your boss with be impressed that you are getting more done, you will have more quality time to prevent most of your clients’ crises, and your coworkers will learn that you are not at their beck and call.

A frequent question people ask is, “how much interruption time do I need to schedule and when should I schedule it?” That, of course, is going to vary from person to person, but as a general rule, I say as much as you need and when it is convenient for you. If you arerepparttar 103497 manager of a large group of people, you are going to have more people knocking on your door for help with their challenges than if you are just getting started with a company. Try outrepparttar 103498 amount you think will be adequate and you will quickly realize if it’srepparttar 103499 right amount for your needs. Most people find that right before or after lunch makes sense, as that is an easy breaking time inrepparttar 103500 middle ofrepparttar 103501 day.

Be Free!

Eric is president of Freedom Speakers & Trainers, www.deliverfreedom.com & an instructor & personal coach on memory, goals, attitude, time management & communication. He is a national know memory trainer that has worked with thousands of companies to enhance their memory. He is co-author of Winning The Name Game, an at home study course that teaches individuals how to remember the names of everyone they meet. www.winningthenamegame.com

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