4 time-saving email tips!

Written by Lee Hopkins

Continued from page 1

================================================== John Smith - Marketing Director - Your Company Tel: +61 8 8388 5171 Mob: +61 410 642 052 www.yourcompany.com.au john@yourcompany.com.au

Visit our site and sign up for powerful FREE ideas and tips on marketing your business ==================================================

Example 2:

.blah blah blah .text text text. Regards, John

================================================= John Smith Marketing Director www.yourdomain.com john@yourdomain.com Tel: +61 8 8388 5171 Mob: +61 410 642 052

Visit our site for a FREE copy of our 20 page report, 'Your Financial Freedom: whatrepparttar insurance industry doesn't want you to know" =================================================

Example 3:

.blah blah blah .text text text. Regards, Jeremy

================================================= Jeremy Lee Marketing Executive www.leehopkins.net Tel: (08) 8388 5171

ATTENTION: if you are sick of your job and want to earn more money visit my site for information on how you can build financial freedom one brick at a time WITHOUT having to give up your day job. Within a few years you could be firing your boss! =================================================

Example 4:

.blah blah blah .text text text. Regards, Michael

================================================= Michael Bloggs www.bloggsareus.com Tel: (08) 8388 5171 Mobile: 0410 642 052

Bloggs arerepparttar 103703 latest, coolest toys around. Kids just LOVE THEM! Visit our site to grabrepparttar 103704 latest designs, colour schemes and accessories. There's FREE screensavers and sound files too! Go there!! =================================================

As I mentioned above, I get around 100 emails a day. If I attach my signature to every reply, that's 100 prospects a day who get my sales message!

Every email program worth its weight allows you to attach a signature. You don't have any excuse. Start writing some email signatures today and test them out on your replies. Some will be better than others at getting a response - you'll soon know.

4. Create templates to save even more time! =========================================== I get over 100 emails a day and some of them are from different people askingrepparttar 103705 same question. How time wasting to re-type exactlyrepparttar 103706 same reply to each different email!

That's why I have created template responses - I can call up a pre-written response and just cut and paste it into a reply, adding any personalising features likerepparttar 103707 person's name. Easy-peezy!

I have dozens of templates, each answering a specific frequent request or question. These save me heaps of time!

Each email program works slightly differently with template files, so I suggest you check out your email program's 'Help' files for more information.

A useful product I've found for Outlook is ReplyMate - check it out at www.replymate.com

So, there we are. If you follow these four tips, you'll find that you're able to spend less time as a slave to your inbox and more time promoting your business.

When you match consumer psychology with effective communication styles you get a powerful combination. At Hopkins-Business- Communication-Training.com you can find the secrets to communication success. At Hopkins we show you how to communicate better for better business results. www.hopkins-business-communication-training.com

Professional Transcription and Your Business

Written by Kate Smalley

Continued from page 1

Accuracy in transcripts is equally as important in other fields. In legal matters, it’s essential because all testimony must be rendered exactly as it’s spoken. Likewise, police detectives require precise transcripts of statements by suspects and witnesses. Inrepparttar corporate arena, letters, meetings and training sessions must be properly transcribed forrepparttar 103702 sake of effective education and communication.

Requirements For A Good Transcriptionist

Whether you need medical, legal or general transcribing for your business, accurate transcribing requires a unique set of skills. But if your staff lacksrepparttar 103703 expertise or time to transcribe materials in house, an outside company can easily fillrepparttar 103704 void.

Working with an outside vendor offers a variety of cost-saving benefits, including:

* No cost of special equipment. * No hourly employee downtime. You pay only for production. * No Social Security, payroll or unemployment taxes. * No medical insurance benefits, paid vacations and sick leave

But before you run out and hirerepparttar 103705 first transcription company available, make sure it hasrepparttar 103706 skills to meet your needs. The outsourcer you choose should be:

* Well-versed inrepparttar 103707 English language * Knowledgeable ofrepparttar 103708 rules of grammar * Familiar with your industry * Easily accessible for questions

Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley Connecticut Secretary Freelance Secretarial and Transcription Services http://www.connecticutsecretary.com 203.641.3739 kms@connecticutsecretary.com

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