4 Simple Steps To Search Engine Optimization

Written by Lee Weaver

Continued from page 1

STEP 3: Get Linked

This part is different depending on if you have a content site or a commercial site. For content sites you want to find similar websites. Websites that targetrepparttar same people that you do. Don't think of them as competition, think of them as partners...link partners. Arrange link exchanges with these websites. Place a link to them, and in return ask them to place a link to your site. Most search engines use spiders to crawlrepparttar 127900 web, sorepparttar 127901 more similar sites they find that link to yours,repparttar 127902 better.

For commercial websites link exchanges aren't alwaysrepparttar 127903 best idea. Any other websites targetingrepparttar 127904 same visitors, ARE your competition. You don't really want to send your visitors to your competition. One idea is to arrange link exchanges with content sites. We have links to many commercial websites on American-Firefighter.com that we have posted in exchange for those sites placing links to our site. The second option is to advertise. Find large scale content websites to advertise with. This part can be a little tricky. Many content websites are so saturated with advertisements, and their prices are so high it hardly seems worth it. If you can't find a good content site to advertise on, we recommend Google AdWords: http://adwords.google.com Not only will your ad be shown onrepparttar 127905 biggest and best search engine onrepparttar 127906 web, but you can also have your ad shown on thousands of AdSense publisher websites, content websites that show contextual text ads served up by Google.

STEP 4: Don't Cheat!

Using doorway pages, hidden links, dynamically generated pages full of garbage, or any other sneaky tactic won't help, in fact it will usually hurt your websites success. Many search engines will ban your website if they find such tactics, and when a visitor sees such tactics, they will lose all faith in your website. A website with no visitors isn't much of a website.

Believe it or not, that's it! We have followed these four steps and have great search engine rankings on nearly every major search engine...and we didn't pay thousands of dollars to get there!


Lee Weaver is a volunteer firefighter/emt and builds firefighter interest websites in his spare time.

Search Engine Optimization: What Is It?

Written by Stephen Warren

Continued from page 1


What I mean is creating a page for a visitor but when a search engine spider goes torepparttar page, they see something completely different. One way to detect if a website is doing this, is if they appear atrepparttar 127899 top of search results for a keyword that doesn't even appear on that page. This is a major no no. Sure it probably works incredibly well for a time. But whenrepparttar 127900 Search Engines figure out what your up to, you can bet they will ban you permanently.

Keyword Stuffing:

This isrepparttar 127901 process of having as many keywords placed intorepparttar 127902 meta tags or content ofrepparttar 127903 page whether they are relevant or not torepparttar 127904 "content" ofrepparttar 127905 page. Not only does this not work, it will work against you. Google for example will penalize you if you have a keyword more than once in a row. This is logical, as having 2 keywords in a row probably would not make sense. For example, forrepparttar 127906 keyword Golf, Google would penalize you if you wrote Golf Golf.

However, ifrepparttar 127907 title of your page was "Golf", andrepparttar 127908 sentence beneath it was "golf is great because..." you would probably still be penalized.

Colouring keywordsrepparttar 127909 same colour as their background:

This is quite self explanatory. It's bad because you're purposely hiding things from your website visitors, but still wantrepparttar 127910 Search Engines to see it.

Stephen Warren, the creator and webmaster of http://www.marketershandbook.com , a completely free business and marketing resource which anyone may use.

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