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Secret 3 - Content Really IS King
Do you want to know how to be really successful with your newsletter? Great content. That is what will keep people reading instead of un-subscribing or just trashing your email. If you really try to write about a new, creative, or interesting topic, readers will show their approval by continuing to read, and possibly even looking forward to your next issue.
Secret 4 - Length
You're publishing a newsletter, not a book, so keep it short. People don't have all day to read your email, so get to
point and give them
information that they are looking for.
The length of your publication depends on how often you send it out. A daily mailing shouldn't be any longer than a couple of short tips. Sending out your newsletter weekly or every other week makes a great frequency for sending featured articles.
These are just a few of many ways to tweak your newsletter for maximum success. Use them to set yourself apart from
thousands of other newsletters.
Best of luck to you,
JC Anderl,
Visit my site or email me if you have any questions about marketing or website promotion.
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