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Money. It's kind of what it all comes down to in
end, isn't it? Starting and building ANY real business costs money. And most people start a home business because they NEED money. The ultimate solution to this problem is a business that requires a very small amount of 'front' money and monthly overhead that pretty much anyone can afford. Combine this with immediate income to help you balance
budget that caused you to look for another income source in
first place. Oh, and a nice, steadily-growing residual income for
future would be nice too. Accomplishing this delicate balance generally requires multiple streams of income.
So, then, let's review what you need to build a successful Internet Business:
- a great, professional-looking, fast-loading, well-written website - a lead-capture system - an autoresponder to tie into
lead-capture system - something you can give away free (preferably something very valuable that your customer can't get anywhere else) - advertising sources and systems that WORK and that you can AFFORD -great adcopy/emails/ecourse/newsletter,etc. - automation system(s) - multiple streams of income
Or, if you'd like to shorten your learning curve by 2-3 years (minimum!) and get ALL of
above in one, easy-to- understand, 'already done FOR you' package, check out and make YOUR success a REALITY today!

Lynne Homewood, Editor of Your Business Builder Newsletter and President of Global Epro, has been building online businesses since 1999. Her latest venture, an automated Home Business Success System with a unique vision is changing the way business is done online.