3 Yahoo! Submission Tips You Haven't Heard

Written by Chrisi Darrington

Continued from page 1

Tip 2 Color Choice IS Important

With allrepparttar tips I've run across regarding Yahoo! submissions, I've never seen any touch onrepparttar 128209 elements ofrepparttar 128210 color. If you want to know whatrepparttar 128211 richest Entrepreneurs onrepparttar 128212 web think about color and text, here's what they suggest, and I agree.

Black on white text isrepparttar 128213 best way to present your content. Loserepparttar 128214 colorful or worse,repparttar 128215 printed backgrounds under your text. Color should be used to accent your website inrepparttar 128216 side bars and so forth.

Never use more than 3 color combinations, this doesn't include black or white. Two colors are better. Make sure these colors complement one another andrepparttar 128217 linked text does not reach out and pluck your eye balls out of their sockets. If you're a bit color blind, have a friend help you out.

The truth is, a more professional looking web site will increase your opportunity to be listed.

Tip 3 Avoid The Newbie Look

One ofrepparttar 128218 most amateurish things you can do is center everything or place large areas of bold text content on your website. This includes using a large font that appears to be bold text.

Center headlines and sub headings. Center small sentences of text for grabbing attention. Left justifyrepparttar 128219 rest of your content.

Only use larger fonts for headlines and sub headings. Do not use a font that is so large it takes up a third of your page. Use bold for highlighting important key thoughts (phrases, not entire paragraphs)and keywords. Use bold for headlines and sub headings.

I leave you with these concluding thoughts.

Followrepparttar 128220 instructions that Yahoo.com has provided. You'll find them located here: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/suggest

Create a unique and valuable web site with a professional overtone. Animated banners and buttons are distracting. Avoid too many on any one page, or avoid them altogether. Check your site for grammar and spelling errors. Have a friend look it over for errors as well.

Chrisi Darrington is the webmaster of http://www.netwoozy.com Find out NEVER BEFORE SEEN Techniques For Turning an Electronic Newsletter Into a $20,000+ a Month Profit Stream I can quit advertising today and still earn $20,000 a month: http://www.netwoozy.com/pnpg.html?addme

Secrets to Getting MORE Search Engine Hits & Top Search Engine Positioning

Written by Chris Small

Continued from page 1

Give them Content - and lots of it

If your site is about cooking, then put as much cooking information as possible on your site. Put cookware reviews, stove recommendations, healthy eating guides, microwave tips, interviews with famous chefs, etc. You could even offer other related information such as: wine recommendations for certain meals, calorie guides, links to famous restaurants, nutritional charts, etc..

Make it useful, relevant and valuable to your visitor. If they are impressed, it is likely that they will come back and even tell a friend or two about "that great new site that I just found".

Where can I get this Content?

No, you do not have to write allrepparttar information yourself. Although if you can put together original content it is even more effective.

Simply search around for top quality content by going to your favorite Search Engines, ezines, libraries, magazines, books, newspapers, etc. You can also get ideas for great material by tuning into radio and TV programs that specialize in your area of interest.

Always, always, always give credit torepparttar 128208 source ofrepparttar 128209 information. Plagiarizing will often get yourepparttar 128210 wrong kind of attention. For a good example ofrepparttar 128211 ills of plagiarism check out this article... www.worlddealcenter.com/guides/integrity.html

Here are some tips that I have found to be especially helpful in drawing higher rankings for your content pages.

1) Use High Interest words inrepparttar 128212 page title and first few lines

Even if you come up with a top 20 listing, you still must compete with 19 other sites for that visitors attention. Give them a good reason to click onto YOUR link.

2) Name Searches

Many web searches are done for peoples names. Historical figures, modern day personalities, authors, big name marketers, etc.. These get thousands of search requests. If you can sprinkle book reviews and articles that use famous names in your content rich site, you will see more visitors that might normally never find your site.

3) Speaking of book reviews...

On my site I have a section devoted to selling books for Amazon. As far as it being a moneymakerrepparttar 128213 thing is a bust. It ain't working! Nobody is buying (please come and purchase a book from me - I'm begging). So why don't I just take it down and scraprepparttar 128214 bookselling business?

Well, it brings in tons of hits from people who are searching specifically for those books and authors that are reviewed on my site. Okay, so they don't buyrepparttar 128215 book (the odd one might though), but they do click through to other pages onrepparttar 128216 site and sign up for my ezine and other programs.

These 3 suggestions have worked wonders for my stats pages and ultimatelyrepparttar 128217 bottom line too. They certainly won't replace your other marketing efforts, but can provide a nice supplement to them.

Chris Small is a cyber entrepreneur and host of several successful websites. If you would like to read more articles like this by Chris go to www.worlddealcenter.com/reports.htm

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