3 Steps To Starting a Successful Fall Exercise Program

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Continued from page 1

1) Grab a journal or notebook and write down everything you want to achieve in vivid detail. How do you want to look? How do you want to feel? What would you like to fit into? etc.

Reread this vivid description at least once a day. By keeping in mindrepparttar end result, you’ll be highly motivated to push yourself further.

2) Start exercising and make notes on every workout session that you do. How long did you go? What was your perceived exertion? How many miles did you cover?

3) Review your workout session notes every week and then add something a little bit more challenging torepparttar 140074 next week’s workout.

For example, if your average exercise time last week was 20 minutes – up your average time to 30 minutes. If your perceived exertion was 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 then up it to 7. Make these little adjustments every week and you will be progressing leaps and bounds towards your fitness goals!

Plusrepparttar 140075 inspiration you get from charting your progress will keep you going long after that initial momentum is fizzling out.

By following these steps and usingrepparttar 140076 fall momentum to inspire you, starting a treadmill exercise program becomes both exciting AND easy. Learn to use momentum to your advantage and you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible!

Kathryn O'Neill is chief editor for Treadmill Review, a consumer oriented website focusing on the home treadmill market.

For weekly best buys, sales and free treadmill brand reviews, go to http://www.TreadmillReview.net.

New Hair Styles for 2005 - Summer Hair Trend

Written by Nancy Faizabadi

Continued from page 1

Although cut and texture are an important part of having a trendy, up to date short hair style, maintaining shiny, healthy hair is always a must.

Whether you wear your hair curly, wavy, or straight, a healthy shine is your hair’s best accessory. For this season, a product that adds shine to your hair is a must have.

To maintain a trendy and fashionable look for this season, color isrepparttar key. In Eastern cultures, hair color choice is not just a statement about our fashion savvy, but also is essential in showing our inner self and desires. Since red symbolizes strength and vitality, it is not such a surprise that most women today would pick red as their first choice of hair colors.

Red certainly is a trend this season, and that means all shades. Anything goes from burgundy to strawberry blonde on intorepparttar 140073 copper hues.

As a matter of fact, reds are beginning to replace blonde asrepparttar 140074 most popular hair color choice.

Color highlights have been popular for while and will continue to be popular this season. This type of hair coloring works particularly well onrepparttar 140075 layered, shorter haircuts. So, go ahead. Try whatever floats your boat. As I said before, this season, anything goes!

Nancy Faizabadi is a professional hair stylist and the founder of www.short-hair-style.com where you can find free tips on short hair style and color ideas, hair color trends, hair products and much more. Whether your hair is fine, thick, curly, straight, processed, colored or in need of a new style, short-hair-style.com has a section for you.

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