3 Steps To Home Business Success

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

3. You must have relentless desire and determination:

This isrepparttar number one reason why most people don't succeeed. They don't have relentless desire and determination. I want you to commitrepparttar 116557 following words to memory:

"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more desire and determination you have,repparttar 116558 greater will be your success!"

Here's another example to illustrate my point:

Most people think it's Kobe Bryant's amazing talent that sets him apart fromrepparttar 116559 other players inrepparttar 116560 NBA. And make no mistake, his talent does play a significant role in his success. But what really makes Kobe Bryant special is his "relentless desire and determination." He just wants to win more than everybody else.

That'srepparttar 116561 mindset you have to have. You have to want to succeed with your home business more than anything else inrepparttar 116562 world--anything!

And remember these words:

"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more desire and determination you have,repparttar 116563 greater will be your success!"

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto: dean@lets-make-money.net

Visit his website at: http://www.lets-make-money.net

Your Home Office--Lengthen That Commute!

Written by Matt McGovern

Continued from page 1

* By 5:30 p.m. I usually pack it in, but not before engaging in some outdoor activity either solo or with my wife and kids. Usually it's a walk or bike ride, chipping golf balls from a practice tee, visitingrepparttar vegetable garden, or anything that helps me wind down and make a smooth transition from "work" to "home"--something that my lengthy return commute used to accomplish.

"BE AT WORK" IN YOUR HOME OFFICE My office space is a 10-foot by 13-foot converted spare bedroom onrepparttar 116556 second floor of my house, with an attached 3-foot by 6-foot storage closet--ample room for a desk and chair, computer, and storage space. Sound-deadening board inrepparttar 116557 walls, plus a heavy six-panel solid wood door--complete with lock and key--make it a physically distinct space, which helps me "be at work" when I need to be.

I have no distractions unless I allow distractions.

To create an even more physically distinct space, I expect to relocate my office to a spot atop an attached garage that I plan to build inrepparttar 116558 next couple of years. This new office is certain to have many ofrepparttar 116559 same features of my current space--which will revert to a spare bedroom for guests--plusrepparttar 116560 added nuance of being more physically removed fromrepparttar 116561 rest ofrepparttar 116562 house. I plan an entrance that is only accessible throughrepparttar 116563 garage, which will certainly make for a "commute" that's much lengthier thanrepparttar 116564 one I now enjoy--affording me more time to "wind up" inrepparttar 116565 morning and to "wind down" at night.

DISCIPLINE REQUIRED A physically distinct space coupled withrepparttar 116566 discipline to distinguish "being at work" from "being at home" will help you makerepparttar 116567 most of your work-at-home situation. The advantages to working at home are great, andrepparttar 116568 challenges of succeeding even greater. You can help stackrepparttar 116569 deck in your favor by creating daily work-like routines that instillrepparttar 116570 discipline necessary for you to "commute" to your home office in body, mind and spirit--while you still retain proximity and access to what matters most: your family, your home andrepparttar 116571 time and flexibility you need to enjoy them.


Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt McGovern--All rights reserved.

Matt McGovern combines a rare blend of creative and technical know-how with years of experience and a balanced and purposeful approach to life. He has authored and edited numerous books, e-books and e-zines. Get "Know-How" his free e-newsletter at www.700acres.com/pages/ad_archive.html or explore life, death and beyond with his novel, "CURRENTS-Every Life Leaves an Imprint" at www.MattMcGovern.com/books.html.

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