3 Steps To Effectively Increase Your Marketing Response

Written by Eva Browne-Paterson

Continued from page 1

Order Page: Have you included a guarantee that removesrepparttar risk taken byrepparttar 120169 customer? Have you provided several payment options where applicable? Have you maderepparttar 120170 purchasing process as quick and simple as possible? Have you included your contact details?

Price: If everything else appears to be set correctly but you're still not receivingrepparttar 120171 response you need, consider revisingrepparttar 120172 price and T&T. Use a split tester if possible to see which price receivesrepparttar 120173 better response (and it's not alwaysrepparttar 120174 cheaper price surprisingly). 100 is a good number to use for split-testing. ie: If you're testing two pages,repparttar 120175 first to receive 100 responses isrepparttar 120176 one to adopt.

Step 3: QA

Usually QA stands for Quality Assurance and it still does, but in this instance, it also means Quality Advertising. T&T and Tweaking can be an ongoing process that you continually carry out using free or paid advertising.

There are many forms of advertising available onrepparttar 120177 internet. Free advertising methods are excellent for T&T because they can illustrate how well an ad pulls through an ezine or solo ad. You can also gauge how effective your sales page is by click-thru statistics in traffic exchanges etc. But for now, let's concentrate onrepparttar 120178 effective, paid advertising methods. Why? Because paid advertising brings results... Well it should -- but it doesn't always!

It is imperative that you gaugerepparttar 120179 effectiveness ofrepparttar 120180 advertising vehicle that you are utilizing through T&T. If you don't, you could be throwing your hard-earned dollars straight downrepparttar 120181 drain.

If you have paid for an advertising campaign through a company andrepparttar 120182 results are less than you hoped for, you need to look into whyrepparttar 120183 results were dismal. How do you do that? It certainly pays to ask questions and dig deeper to see exactly how your advertisement is being delivered.

In fact, I can save you some time and really open your eyes to some marketing methods that you probably didn't even know existed! These are methods that are being used quite frequently by some online companies who provide traffic and advertising services.

You really need to know about them now so you don't fall into that trap. Most of us have already and didn't even know it, until now...

Click here to download my free report, "What Every Marketer Should Know Before Paying for Advertising".

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If you utilizerepparttar 120184 3 steps I've described above, you'll discover that your hard work really does pay off. Increased profits can indeed be yours withrepparttar 120185 right work ethic andrepparttar 120186 right quality advertising vehicle.


Aboutrepparttar 120187 Author: Eva Browne-Paterson lives in Australia and has been marketing online for over 12 years. She has been publishing EvieB's New-Z since 2001, isrepparttar 120188 CEO of InstaPay and partner inrepparttar 120189 JVMoneyMakers.com group.

Looking for Quality Advertising? EQQU Ads are a NEW, Highly Targeted & Responsive form of advertising. Hundreds of thousands of members will see your ad beneath their email display and receive $0.01 per click-thru to view your web site for 60 seconds. Full statistics provided. Click here now: http://www.add2it.com/services/advertising.shtml


Link statistics, forwarding and split-testing system: Add2it Go-To Pro - http://www.add2it.com/scripts/go-to-pro.shtml

About the Author: Eva Browne-Paterson lives in Australia and has been marketing online for over 12 years. She has been publishing EvieB's New-Z since 2001, is the CEO of InstaPay and partner in the JVMoneyMakers.com group.

Embroidering Corporate Apparel

Written by Rick Sheldon

Continued from page 1

Deciding on Colors Here comesrepparttar fun! If your company has yet to choose a logo for major promotion, do not let color choice go unquestioned. Choose a contrasting color to emphasize your product or a color that creates subconscious interest in your product. Studies show that bright primary colors make a customer feel more exited, energetic, even hungry. Toned down colors such as a soft blue or taupe make someone feel more relaxed and comfortable. Using these proven hints can get your product noticed before others in any setting.

When company colors have been chosen, it supportsrepparttar 120168 company image to stick with them. At this point your product color becomes essential. Some ofrepparttar 120169 same color rules apply. If you choose a contrasting color (black and white, red and green) your logo will stand out more, but simply standing out is not always a positive thing. If you want to keep your product attractive, it helps to choose colors that compliment one another like a deep blue and a medium blue ofrepparttar 120170 same shade. There are some color combinations that do both jobs. Black and white is one of these, but this combo has been used torepparttar 120171 point of causing indifference inrepparttar 120172 customer, unless it has a new flare like silver trim around your lettering. In all cases, however, if you have a strong company image based on your logo and colors, it is ofrepparttar 120173 highest importance to carry on that image in every promotional product and corporate apparel purchase.

The Human Factor The embroidering of your design can only be as good asrepparttar 120174 embroidery operator runningrepparttar 120175 machines. Even in our high tech world there are several elements of embroidery that are human controlled. All garments are hooped in some fashion to mount them onrepparttar 120176 machines to be embroidered. This hooping process determinesrepparttar 120177 exact placement of your logo and is entirely manual, thus your logo placement will vary slightly. Part of this imperfection is due torepparttar 120178 garment. Each garment comes fromrepparttar 120179 factory somewhat different thanrepparttar 120180 last. The location ofrepparttar 120181 pocket may differ in any direction. This problem occurs constantly, even with inrepparttar 120182 same manufacturer,repparttar 120183 same shirt design, and withinrepparttar 120184 same exact size of shirts. It is a slight variation, however, and usually unnoticeable.

Hat Embroidery Almost every hat worn today is professionally embroidered. Always choose a quality hat with an appropriate structure for your logo. Hire a professional to layout your design carefully selectrepparttar 120185 placement to receive your company identity. When you have finished hats embroidered, they are embroidering your image on a domed surface. It can be very challenging for an embroider to work with finished hats. In fact, there are embroidery factories that outsource for hat embroidery because it is too difficult and frustrating. Certain designs lend themselves to troublesome embroidery,repparttar 120186 most prevalent problem is trying to place a novel of tiny lettering on a hat. This poses technical problems forrepparttar 120187 machines andrepparttar 120188 operators. In general, lettering under 5/16" will not be presentable on any garment, especially finished hats. When creating your logo for hats, try not to cram in a bunch of tiny text. It has been my experience that very few people actually read tiny text and it only deterioratesrepparttar 120189 overall appearance of your product.

Final Suggestions Your image is everything! Takerepparttar 120190 process of ordering your corporate apparel seriously, work with someone you believe is taking your order to heart. I always suggestrepparttar 120191 five basics of embroidery: Make your designs simple. Use a quality garment. Make educated color choices. Use a knowledgeable embroidery company. Hire a digitizer who understands your desires, who will show you a sewout of your new design before you allow them to embroider your goods, and who will adjust it if is does not meet your expectations.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Rick Sheldon has 18 years experience inrepparttar 120192 Promotional Products Industry and is currently CEO of Save on Promotional Products Inc. a Discount Online Promotional Products Company. He can be contacted at 1-800-826-8706; email: rick@saveonpromotionalproducts.com; or visit www.saveonpromotionalproducts.com.

Currently CEO of Save on Promotional Products Inc. a discount online promotional products company. 17 years in the promotional products industry in sales and management. 10 years as owner of a large contract embroidery operation.

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