3 Quick and Easy Ways to Generate Story Ideas

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Continued from page 1

3. It's OK to Call People Names

Generate nicknames or terms that capturerepparttar lifestyles, attitudes or characteristics of certain groups of people.

For example,repparttar 128929 nicknames I came up forrepparttar 128930 kind of people I encountered onrepparttar 128931 bus when I used to commute to work and back were: space-hog, slumper, fidgeter and refined. The terms described howrepparttar 128932 people onrepparttar 128933 bus behaved as they sat. [They were useful because I was able to avoidrepparttar 128934 space-hogs andrepparttar 128935 fidgeters when choosing a seat. Sitting beside a slumper was all right, since most slumpers kept their slumps within their space ;o)]

For you to do: Generate nicknames or terms forrepparttar 128936 following groups of people:

- cashiers - waiters - teachers - employees - actors

Begin using these 3 simple ways of generating ideas today. Before long, you'll be churning out one idea after another with ease. That's creativity at work!

Copyright (c) 2004 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Shery is the creator of WriteSparks! - a software that generates over 10 *million* Story Sparkers for Writers. Download WriteSparks! Lite for fr*e - http://writesparks.com

Stimulate Your Sensebuds...and wave goodbye to writers cramp!

Written by Linda Gray

Continued from page 1

Choose strong smelling, long lasting flowers, such as wallflowers ( Cheiranthus ). They will grow in some shade and do well against walls, fences and hedgerows. Climbing roses will only need a few hooks screwed intorepparttar fence, and they will happily cover your fence in blooms. Both these flowers are colourful, smell beautiful and are velvet torepparttar 128927 touch.

Many herbs will grow in pots. Grow chives for something to nibble as you wander roundrepparttar 128928 garden. Mint varieties are many , from spearmint through torepparttar 128929 newer varieties such as pineapple or melon mint . Try them! They really do smell of pineapple and melon.

Some herbs are perennial and, once established, will need very little care. But remember to pick them to encourage growth.

The acoustics in your outside space will change dramatically when you have flowers growing. Those bees and bugs won’t be able to resist. Rubrepparttar 128930 leaves of your mint plants or other herbs and fillrepparttar 128931 air withrepparttar 128932 scent.

Now relax in a chair, listen torepparttar 128933 humming ofrepparttar 128934 insects and nibble on your chives. Within ten minutes you’ll either be dozing and gaining some well needed rest, or you’ll be running back to your keyboard with more words in your head than ever before!

Linda Gray is a freelance writer and, with her partner, has spent ten years renovating an acre of neglected woodland. Drop in at http://www.flower-and-garden-tips.com for pots of gardening inspiration!

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