3 Quick Tips To Get The Most From Your Pay Per Click Ads

Written by Kate O'Neill

Continued from page 1

Tip #2: Use Your Description to Pre-quality and Pre-sell

Ifrepparttar searcher gets pastrepparttar 105831 title torepparttar 105832 description you're doing well...but you have to hook them with your description. Again, make surerepparttar 105833 description elaborates onrepparttar 105834 title and tells your searcher EXACTLY what they can expect.

This is also a way you can further 'pre-qualify' your traffic. You don't want to spend money on people who don't fit your perfect customer criteria so be as specific as possible about what your website offers them.

Don't just say "A website that sells a variety of cheesecakes" Pre-sell and pre-quality your traffic with a description like:

"Gourmet New York Specialty cheesecakes sold exclusively online. From Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake to Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake. Check out our online catalogue if you want to serve your guests something heavenly!"

Makes your mouth water already doesn't it? And chances are that someone only looking for a free cheesecake recipe won't click through so you've prequalified your traffic and your conversion rate will go throughrepparttar 105835 roof!

Tip #3: Think 'Niche' with your keywords

Unless you are Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, chances are you can't afford to spend $5.00 onrepparttar 105836 word "diet". That's ok - you don't have to.

You can pick up a huge variety of more specific keywords that probably very few pay per click competitors have bid on (for example, what about 'heart healthy diet'?)

Just make sure to do your homework and remember to getrepparttar 105837 misspellings people use also.

So those are 3 tips to getrepparttar 105838 most from your pay per click campaign. By grabbing customers with an attention getting title, prequalifying them with a detailed description and choosing niche keywords, you’re sure to get ready-to-buy traffic for pennies per keyword.

Good luck and may you make millions with your online business!

Kate O’Neill is chief editor for Pay Per Click Advertising – a website dedicated to helping you run a successful, optimized pay per click campaign.

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Pay Per Click Advertising

Surviving Google’s Aging Delay…

Written by Lawrence Deon

Continued from page 1

How do you survive Google’s aging delay? By taking pro-active action!

I haven't seen any new sites with new domains appear atrepparttar top of Google’s (SERPs) since early to mid 2004. I've consulted with and tracked many of my clients’ new sites and despiterepparttar 105830 fact they have hundreds of #1 positions in Yahoo, Alta Vista, AllTheWeb & MSN for their keywords I’ve yet to see any remarkable results in Google untilrepparttar 105831 6 - 8 month period.

The trend I’ve noticed suggests that new sites are initially indexed; ranked accordingly in Google’s SERPs for a week or so and then literally vanish fromrepparttar 105832 SERPs for several months. In most cases they can’t even be found withrepparttar 105833 most obscure search terms… including their own name and address.

If you’re launching a new site don’t panic. Once you’ve registered your domain name and configuredrepparttar 105834 hosting, you should set up a few temporary pages. Obtain links to them from other sites in Google's index to startrepparttar 105835 aging delay count down. I recommend launching a site immediately with enough content to set up and facilitaterepparttar 105836 requirements for directory listings to start. The sooner Google is aware of your domainrepparttar 105837 better. Just don’t hold your breath waiting to see results… It could be as long as 6 - 8 months!

Gauge your optimization efforts by where your site ranks inrepparttar 105838 other search engines. Provided you’re not engaged in unethical practices and followed Google’s Webmaster’s guidelines this should give you a ballpark indication of where Google will rank your site afterrepparttar 105839 aging delay, just be patient.

To that end, don’t keep tweaking and changing your pages source code and trying to manipulate your rankings until your site has been in Google’s index for at least 6 - 8 months. In other words, there’s no need to reinventrepparttar 105840 wheel here because it doesn't seem to matter what you do, your site will still be delayed regardless.

Don’t keep submitting your pages to Google either! It won’t make any difference.

Check your server logs to confirm Googlebots’ crawl and then forget about it. Googlebot will find your site again if you’re actively reciprocating links so your time would be better served building an optimized reciprocal link network to get your site out there and linked to as early as possible.

If traffic from Google is crucial to your marketing and promotion plan, and I don’t know anyone who would argue otherwise… budget to run an AdWords campaign for a few months untilrepparttar 105841 site is indexed and positioned. You might even consider running an Overture campaign as well!

If you purchase non-directory links, reallocate that budget to Adwords advertising.

It’s pointless to purchase links when you can invest in an AdWords or Overture campaign. Purchasing links is an investment you won’t see a red cent ROI for at least 6 - 8 months while an Adwords campaign will drive targeted traffic to your site that can convert immediately. Keep in mind that Lycos, HotBot, AOL, Ask Jeeves, Iwon, Netscape & Teoma also receive paid results from Google! MSN, AllTheWeb, AltaVista & Yahoo receives paid results from Overture.

Do other search engines have an aging delay?

Google provides primary search results to other search engines. It only seems reasonable to expect that your site may be delayed in Google’s partner sites as well.

One-way you may be able to work around this, and I can’t emphasize this enough; is to make sure you submit your site to DMOZ,repparttar 105842 open source directory. Google, in addition torepparttar 105843 other major engines, receives directory results directly from DMOZ.

Yahoo and its partner sites don’t seem to be utilizing an aging delay, nor does MSN, so focusing your early efforts on these search engines might give you a competitive edge inrepparttar 105844 Yahoo network.

Atrepparttar 105845 end ofrepparttar 105846 day when it’s all said and done surviving Google’s aging delay is just a matter of time. The days of purchasing instant link popularity and PageRank are over and in due course you will see Google give your siterepparttar 105847 recognition it deserves.

Copyright 2005 Lawrence Deon

Lawrence Deon is an SEO/SEM Consultant and author of the popular search engine optimization and marketing model Ranking Your Way To The Bank. http://www.rankingyourwaytothebank.com

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