3 Powerful Concepts That Climb Marketing Mountains

Written by Michael Nicholas

Continued from page 1

Sound complicated? - It's not!

So, how does this viral marketing information get into so many hands? Again, it'srepparttar incentive that everyone involved can achieve something. This propelsrepparttar 119869 viral distribution. And it's all possible because of branding!

Hot Tip: Think of it this way.

How many thousands of people do you think are interested in buying a popular ebook or piece of software that you already own?

What you should do then is create a free special report teaching something useful aboutrepparttar 119870 product. Show them a few of it's many benefits before they buy it and they may just decide to buy it through your affiliate link.

That'srepparttar 119871 power ofrepparttar 119872 3 concepts and it works like a charm everyday onrepparttar 119873 Internet. Please don't over look this very important point.

So, what's in branding reports for you?

Great question - let's go over it.

For example:

* In return for joining your email list, you can use free branded reports offering them to your signups.

* You can let others a give them away adding useful content to their websites or even as an added bonus with products that you sell.

* You make affiliate commissions when someone buys from your branded links insiderepparttar 119874 report(s).

And, even if you are branding someone else's report, there's about zero work involved and you can still benefit as if it's your own.

By giving away free reports, you can dramatically build your email list and boost affiliate commissions. The more viral reports you use in your marketing,repparttar 119875 more it will increase your opportunities.

So, remember to offer several Free Branded Viral Reports and letrepparttar 119876 multiplicity ofrepparttar 119877 Internet work for you!

By Michael Nicholas (c) 2005

Michael Nicholas is the author of, Order Button Triggers. His ground breaking ebook focuses on how to get prospects to click the order button to buy. Featuring over 30 years of Internet marketing experience combined, Michael brought in top marketers to tell how they do it. Click for FREE info== ==> http://www.orderbuttontriggers.com/special-report.htm

The Sweet Aroma of Highly Effective Marketing

Written by Jeremy Cohen

Continued from page 1

Remember, you don’t need a great smelling product or service to get noticed by those most likely to buy from you. You need a compelling marketing message.

Demonstrate Value If your product or service doesn’t have a wonderful smell it probably doesn’t taste too good either so you’d be well advised not to have your prospects take a bite of your top selling motorcycle orrepparttar latest legal brief you’ve written.

Instead, you can demonstrate value to your prospects by offering a test ride or providing a helpful and informative guide about a specific topic of particular interest to your target market. By giving something away for free you demonstraterepparttar 119868 quality of your product orrepparttar 119869 usefulness of your service. Be sure to get your prospects’ contact information in exchange for anything you may give away as your goal is to consistently demonstrate your expertise to your prospects over time, with their permission, of course. In so doing, you will win their trust and position yourself in their minds in such a way that they will think of you when they decide it is time to solve an ongoing or newly created problem.

Make a Remarkable Offer Once you’ve grabbed your prospects’ attention and have demonstrated your value to them you want to make a remarkable offer. The decision to buy from you should be a no-brainer. Your offer should include benefits that far supercederepparttar 119870 cost of your product or service. Your offer should be a knock-out punch.

In order to make a remarkable offer you must truly understand your prospects wants or needs.

What are some questions you can ask your prospects to better understand their needs?

Once you have these answers you can use them to custom mold your offer to any prospect.

Move Your Marketing Forward™ It doesn’t matter if you arerepparttar 119871 most talented person in your field or you haverepparttar 119872 best product inrepparttar 119873 world if nobody knows you can help them. The sales process described above begins by attracting attention with an outstanding marketing message. If you are not effectively using an outstanding marketing message you can improve your ability to generate interest in what you do by developing one and broadly incorporating it into your marketing strategy. Makingrepparttar 119874 decision to improve or use a marketing message is one ofrepparttar 119875 strongest moves you can make as a small business owner to improve your ability to market yourself. Bake your cake and buy some fans.

The author, Jeremy Cohen, helps small business owners be more successful with his coaching service and free marketing guide, Jumpstart Marketing: More Prospects, Clients and Success. Get the guide at: http://www.bettermarketingresults.com

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