3:33am?!Written by Skye Thomas
Continued from page 1
One of best things I took away from that book was idea that I could choose how we communicated. She said to tell them exactly how you want to converse. Do you want to do it through music? Visual signs? Do you want them to guide you through humorous events? You decide. For me personally, I wanted to be hit upside head with a brick. Don't use any of those vague riddles or anything. If you have something to say to me, say it straight up. You better have more than just a vague warm fuzzy mystery when you come knocking on my door. I hate having to guess at what they're saying. I am afraid I'm going to make it all up in my head. I want clear directions, clear information, clear warnings, and clear signs of confirmation when it's all done. I will repeat back to them what it is I think they're saying. Then, they are supposed to give me a big fat clear thumbs up that isn't some stupid coincidence. The one area I have never been able to control is when they talk to me. I can ask questions and they will answer me, but not until they're darn well good and ready. It's like topic I'm researching. They won't explain it right now, so I'm trying to find out if other New Age people have experienced it or if they have heard anything about it. I haven't seen anything anywhere. There's just this vague stuff around a similar topic. Bah! I hate vague. Why are so many of professional channels okay with fact that they are not giving concrete information. Most of what I'm seeing channeled is just, 'yeah we love you, we're proud of you, you're going to be shifting into umpteenth dimension soon...' They aren't angry gods threatening to hit us with lightening bolts! Ask for some clarity already! What exactly do these other dimensions look like and give me some scientific data to back it up. Maybe that's why I'm NOT one being told to channel that stuff! I'd demand back-up proof before I'd be willing to go public with it. That's just me. I'm not suppose to channel big newsworthy predictions. I'm supposed to let you know they're available to each of you on a one on one basis and that it's normal to feel crazy when you talk to them. I'm suppose to bring peace of mind to those of you who are hearing them calling you to do some sort of good deeds and to let you know that you are not alone. I'm supposed to explain them in a way that makes them less intimidating and more approachable. Honestly, they won't bite! Just talk to them openly and honestly as you would any other friend. Tell them what you need, want, like, and prefer. They'll listen. Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge
Skye Thomas began writing books and articles with an everyday practical approach to life in 1999 after twenty years of studying spirituality, metaphysics, astrology, personal growth, motivation, and parenting. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. Go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net to read more of her articles and to get a free preview of one of her books.
| | Maybe My Math is OffWritten by Gary Shirley
Continued from page 1
In its place is enlightened modern thought. In our society, morality is a relative concept - an action or thought is moral if we deem it so. Feelings matter above all. God is molded in image that we consider appropriate, always full of mercy but devoid of justice. Our new philosophy is backed up by countless talk shows, books and movies wherein newest "groundbreaking" behavior is sanctioned and applauded, but never condemned. We watch in fascination as people parade their intimacies on national television and are praised for doing so. We laud dissent from timeless moral norms, masking wrong behavior by fanciful euphemisms. Actions are blamed on everyone but ourselves. Even most heinous crimes are society’s fault, rather than that of perpetrator. The insanity defense rules courtrooms. Our children learn early that "white" lies are acceptable and "tolerance" is sacred doctrine. As Catholics immersed in such a culture, many of us have decided that going to Reconciliation is simply unnecessary. Since we do not sin, we do not need to inconvenience ourselves on Saturday. No need to feel any guilt. No need for repentance. Oh, really? Truth must once again illuminate darkness. None less than St. John reminds us that, "If we say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing." (1 Jn 1: 8-10) Our society has been blinded to raw power of temptation. We have forgotten our human inclination to give in to its allure. Doubt, feigned ignorance or simple hardness of heart still produce same ages-old result: disobedience. Adam and Eve all over again. Yes, sin does exist. One might even say it prospers. No one is immune from its attraction. Through Christ and His Church, however, objective truth and boundless mercy exist as well. A loving and just God is still in residence. Like priest patiently waiting in confessional for his flock, Our Lord stands ready to show us way. Vibrant Catholic life is not about new facilities, school enrollment or highest level of financial contributions. It’s not about a full calendar of parish functions. It’s about boldly living faith and committing to Christ each day. It’s about squarely facing reality of sin and seeking shelter in Him and in His Church. It’s witnessing to world by breaking from culture. Waking up to this reality means that confessional lines every Saturday will wind around church building several times. When they do, math will take care of itself.
Gary Shirley, his wife, and three children are members of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kennesaw, Georgia, where Gary serves as catechist in the adult education program. Gary is an Archdiocese of Atlanta certified catechist (both PSR and RCIA) with 13 years teaching experience. Email him at backtothebasics@searchlogixgroup.com. Visit our website at http://www.saintcatherineofsiena.org/BackToTheBasics.htm