2 Exercises to Avoid

Written by Marc David

Continued from page 1

Lat Pull-downs Behindrepparttar Neck:

No story to go with this one, but think about it. Eventually you'll be doing some heavy weight. In a very unnatural position. That is a recipe for injury. It's much more natural and safe to dorepparttar 115714 same movement torepparttar 115715 front. Either way your lats are getting worked. But behindrepparttar 115716 neck puts pressure onrepparttar 115717 shoulders which isn'trepparttar 115718 muscle group you are trying work.

This same philosophy goes for pull-ups. They should be done torepparttar 115719 front as well. If you do pull-downs, try doing it torepparttar 115720 front. Don't even think about behindrepparttar 115721 neck as they won't do any more for you except possibly give your an excuse not to do any more pull-downs.


Marc David has a degree in Criminal Justice from Sacramento State, a 16 year history of non-competitive bodybuilding and is the owner of Freedomfly -the fitness network! For free fitness tools, discount supplements, fitness consultation, and workout routines, visit http://www.freedomfly.net

Tendonitis and the Effects on Your Routine

Written by Marc David

Continued from page 1

I did stop doing biceps movements untilrepparttar pain subsided. Oncerepparttar 115713 pain was significantly less, I decided to adjust my form, have a spotter assist on certain bicep exercises and used a topical cream (Biofreeze by AST). I changedrepparttar 115714 movement to go strict on any and all bicep exercises. My arms are now tight torepparttar 115715 sides with constant tension onrepparttar 115716 muscle. Using a spotter for dumbbell bicep curls helped me eliminaterepparttar 115717 natural tendency to flare outrepparttar 115718 arms to get that weight torepparttar 115719 completion phase ofrepparttar 115720 exercise. Heavy weight withrepparttar 115721 arms slightly out tends to put a lot of pressure on that tendon.

Taking a break fromrepparttar 115722 exercises allowed me to heal enough to think rationally aboutrepparttar 115723 adjustments I needed to make in my routine. Going back to strict form, using a topical (heat) cream and having a spotter assist with a few ofrepparttar 115724 bicep movements has all but eliminated (in a medical sense) my Tendonitis . I suffer no more pain from bicep movements because of these modifications.


Marc David has a degree in Criminal Justice from Sacramento State, a 16 year history of non-competitive bodybuilding and is the owner of Freedomfly -the fitness network! For free fitness tools, discount supplements, fitness consultation, and workout routines, visit http://www.freedomfly.net

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