20 Ways To Keep Your Writing Inspiration And Creativity High

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

12. Go to church forrepparttar noon service or whisper a prayer or two. This reconnects your energy withrepparttar 128508 universe and replenishes what might be missing.

13. Complete an appreciation exercise. Pick up something around you, likerepparttar 128509 telephone, lamp, or pen. Talk to it and tell it how much you appreciate havingrepparttar 128510 electricity to turn it on,repparttar 128511 opportunity to write with a tool that hasrepparttar 128512 ink inside, not like a quill, orrepparttar 128513 softness ofrepparttar 128514 paper you write on. Be grateful for what you have and not what you are missing. Or make a list of "count your blessing" items.

14. Write a personal note to friends or family and tell them how much you love them, appreciate their thoughtfulness, or kindness.

15. Authentic, flat-out, raw laughter freesrepparttar 128515 psyche and opensrepparttar 128516 creativity process.

16. Find a setting with lots of trees and flowers and feel nature. Ifrepparttar 128517 weather permits, take off your shoes and socks and feelrepparttar 128518 grass between your toes. Nature has a way of freeing our spirit and renewing our soul.

17. If guilt or a past incident has captured your mind, write a "Dear Me" letter and ask yourself for forgiveness to loosen it’s grip and expand your freedom.

18. Are you used to writing in a quiet place? Find a noisy place to write, like McDonald's orrepparttar 128519 mall. When your space is noisy you will have to focus harder in order to write with clarity.

19. Go for a quiet leisurely drive, listen to a favorite CD. You can sing out of tune and no one will notice (laughter aloud).

20. Do something nice for someone else that you wouldn't normally do and be a gracious receiver of a hug.

That was exciting, wasn't it? Post this list in a conspicuous place so that it is readily available when you need it, right next to your writing area is best. Do one or two of these daily and keep on writing. Your readers are waiting to read your words.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

For Beginners: 10 Ways To Prepare To Get Published

Written by Jill Nagle

Continued from page 1

7) Play with changing voices. Copy other writers you admire. How does that feel? Pretend you suddenly got an injection of creativity serum or I.Q. booster, then write like mad for ten minutes. What happens torepparttar quality of your words? Is this a possible new direction for you? As creative and intelligent beings, we have so much more within us than we could ever dream.

8) Acceptrepparttar 128506 reality of rewriting. Unlike other professions who get to rest on their milestones, for writers, a completed manuscript often represents a beginning. The best writing comes after lots of rewriting, even for seasoned authors. You needn’t throw any of it away, but not every sentence belongs in every work. Saverepparttar 128507 scraps, but don’t get attached to where they go, orrepparttar 128508 integrity of your project will suffer.

9) Get clear on what you want out of getting published. Many writers move forward without knowing where they want to wind up. As a teacher once told me, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” The answer to what you want out of getting published will help you determinerepparttar 128509 best route to take. And in publishing, those routes are many and varied. You can use our Twenty Questions as a self-help guide.

10) If what you want is to get published inrepparttar 128510 least amount of time, considering hiring a ghostwriter. An extremely common but rarely discussed practice, many successful authors talk to ghostwriters, who put their skills to work on an author’s behalf. Although some such ghostwriters get a cover credit, many do not, hencerepparttar 128511 “ghost” terminology. If you have more money than time or inclination to toil, ghostwriting may berepparttar 128512 option for you. Learn more

You are welcome to reprint this article any time, anywhere with no further permission, and no payment, providedrepparttar 128513 following is included atrepparttar 128514 end or beginning:

Author Jill Nagle is founder and principal of GetPublished, http://www.GetPublished.com, which provides coaching, consulting, ghostwriting, classes and do-it-yourself products to emerging and published authors. Her most recent book is How to Find An Agent Who Can Sell Your Book for Top Dollar http://www.FindTheRightAgent.com.

Author Jill Nagle is founder and principal of GetPublished, http://www.GetPublished.com, which provides coaching, consulting, ghostwriting, classes and do-it-yourself products to emerging and published authors. Her most recent book is How to Find An Agent Who Can Sell Your Book for Top Dollar http://www.FindTheRightAgent.com.

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