20 Ways To Convert Visitors Into Subscribers

Written by PATRICK83

Continued from page 1

12. You could publish some of your current e-zine subscriber's testimonials on your web site.

13. You could publish any positive reviews you have received about your free e-zine on your web site.

14. You could tell your visitors what's going to be published in your next e-zine issue.

15. You could tell your visitors that they haverepparttar right to republish your e-zines content on their own web site if they subscribe to your free e-zine

16. You could publish a list of well-known famous, or respected people that have subscribed to your free e-zine.

17. You could tell your visitors what a subscription to your free e-zine is worth in dollars.

18. You could tell your visitors allrepparttar 102172 major benefits of subscribing to your e-zine.

19. You could tell your visitors how many people have already subscribed to your e-zine.

20. You could tell your visitors that a subscription to your free e-zine is only available for a limited time.

Pat.Bonet forallpat@yahoo.fr


:: How To Succeed With An Affiliate Program

Written by Michel Richer

Continued from page 1

The solution? Take what you know, what you love, and turn it into a Theme-Based Content Site. Attract highly targeted, interested customers, provide solid value through content, then refer them to your affiliated merchants.


Having lot's of traffic to your website is a big challenge. But it is essential to be successful. Or at least to make a reasonable amount of money.

You have to make your site "search engine friendly". You need content forrepparttar search engine to spider your website.

You need to know how your webpage is index and how well it is ranked on repparttar 102171 SE to better perform.

Use every marketing method to drive traffic.

a.. PPC Campaign b.. Linking Strategy c.. Writing Articles d.. Ezine Publishing e.. Newsletter f.. Banner Advertising g.. Viral Marketing (EBooks, Freeware etc.) h.. Offline as well. (Business Cards, Flyers, Radio Spots etc.)


Affiliate Program are great. You can really make a substantial income at almost no cost. This isrepparttar 102172 simplest way to start a business. You can really succeed if you keep learning and experimenting.

------------------------- Copyright © Michel Richer

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears withrepparttar 102173 included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.


About The Author ******************************­­ Michel Richer, The Internet Business Specialist Can Help You Build A Successfull Internet Business That Can Generate Massive Profit !!!

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