20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!

Written by Grady Smith

Continued from page 1

12) Have you used specific numbers and facts in your copy to build instant credibility?

13) Have you included credibility creators, like why you're an authority onrepparttar subject, testimonials, and case studies?

14) Does your sales letter have a nothing to risk guarantee that shows your confidence in your offer?

15) Do you include a reason why you're making this offer? Are you doing it because you are tired of seeing people scammed onrepparttar 120635 Internet and want to provide them with solid information they can use for profit immediately? Or are you giving them a dirt-cheap price because you have an overstock on inventory and it's costing you more to storerepparttar 120636 product in your warehouse?

16) Does your sales letter give details of whatrepparttar 120637 customer needs to do? Call now. Or, simply fill outrepparttar 120638 form below, enclose your check or money order for $24, and mail to...

17) Do you make it easy for your potential customer to act on your offer?

18) Are you offering bonuses to increase response, or do you create high-perceived value for your product or service?

19) Did you create a sense of urgency in your letter, explaining thatrepparttar 120639 price is for a short time or quantities are limited?

20) Have you answered all questions a prospective customer has about your product?

FREE: $95 Critique of One Sales Letter or Ad -- Get the details you need to increase your response. Just visit Grady's website for a free critique and other free resources to improve your sales copy. Click http://www.cheap-copy.com

5 Ways to Generate Leads with Your Web Site

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

Use your inquiry form to both collect contact information and to identifyrepparttar services your prospects are interested in and how you can help them. When you make your follow up calls you'll know where to startrepparttar 120634 conversation.

When you receive completed inquiry forms you can sort through them to identify which ones are worth following up on based onrepparttar 120635 answers provided. Then pick uprepparttar 120636 phone and use these qualified leads to find new clients and grow your business.

4. Collect Feedback and Learn More About Your Prospect's Needs When people visit your sell pages,repparttar 120637 web pages that describe your products and services, they've expressed an interest. Some will move directly to purchase, others will discover they don't have any further interest and a large number will fall intorepparttar 120638 middle. These are people who are interested but not ready to commit.

Before visitors leave your web site sell pages, you can use exit pop up windows to collect feedback and to find out what they are looking for.

Offer a free article to motivate visitors to fill inrepparttar 120639 form. When you get these feedback forms, follow up with a call. Use this conversation to find out why they didn't buyrepparttar 120640 service or product or to get further information aboutrepparttar 120641 problems they want solved. Once you have these prospects onrepparttar 120642 phone you'll be surprised how many you can turn into clients.

5. Send out Surveys to Identify What Sells If you have a newsletter you can leveragerepparttar 120643 trust of your readers to collect ideas of what they want to buy. If you've been sending out ideas and information to your target market periodically they will be more than likely to respond when you ask for their input.

Two to four times per year, send an informal survey to your subscriber base, asking for their ideas. Ask them which of your product or service ideas they like best and what they need and want. Tabulate their responses and developrepparttar 120644 products and services they asked for.

Use these five lead collection strategies to identify prospects with a problem, one you can solve. Once you know who needs your help, its easy to follow up, closerepparttar 120645 sale and grow your business. - 2004 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.

The author, Marketing Coach, Charlie Cook, helps independent professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up to receive the Free Marketing Guide and the 'More Business' newsletter, full of practical tips you can use at http://www.charliecook.net

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