17 features that make your autoresponder an **AUTORESPONDER** - Part 2

Written by Terry Telford

Continued from page 1

15. Message in text or HTML. Althoughrepparttar vast majority of email users can accept HTML email, there are still some that don't. By offeringrepparttar 122566 capability of sending either plain text or HTML email, all your bases are covered and your email can be accepted by everyone.

16. Formatting. Some autoresponder servers are not configured properly to send mail to all mail programs. If your formatting is lost, and your message arrives as one big block of text, you need to switch from your autoresponder to an **AUTORESPONDER**. **AUTORESPONDERS** format your messages or keeprepparttar 122567 formatting that you have used, intact.

17. And finally, support. If you end up with an autoresponder company that offers you little or no support, you could be stuck with a problem or question for a long time with no results. This may not seem like an issue now, but imagine if your clients suddenly start receiving your planned two-week campaign all in one day, over and over again! An **AUTOREPONDER** company offers a quality support feature, so this type of problem is taken care of immediately.

There is a great difference between an autoresponder and an **AUTORESPONDER.** There are no questions aboutrepparttar 122568 benefits of using an **AUTORESPONDER** in your marketing,repparttar 122569 only question is which **AUTORESPONDER** company you will use. After trying out dozens of free and paid autoresponders, I have settled on my two favourites to run my marketing campaigns. My two personal favourite **AUTORESPONDERS** are

SendFree - FREE **AUTORESPONDER** with some ofrepparttar 122570 bells and whistles, http://www.sendfree.com/affref.php3?ref=39695

Automarketic - **AUTORESPONDER** with allrepparttar 122571 bells and whistles at an affordable price, http://automarketic.com erry

In today's business world,repparttar 122572 early bird getsrepparttar 122573 worm. If you are still relying on responding to customer requests manually, you are not offeringrepparttar 122574 fastest possible service to your customers. The scary part is, your competitors are. It's not a question of whether you need to use **AUTORESPONDERS**, it's only a question of which **AUTORESPONDER** company you will use.

Good Luck and God Bless.

Terry Telford is the author of the popular ebook, Website Ladder, and the founder of bpc publishing, your resource center for online marketing and traffic tools. Visit http://www.bpcpublishing.com today!

17 features that make your autoresponder an **AUTORESPONDER** - Part 1

Written by Terry Telford

Continued from page 1

5. Changeable send addresses. This is a very handy feature if you have more than one online business. You can send all your **AUTORESPONDER** messages right fromrepparttar same **AUTORESPONDER** service and use whatever company name and address you wish.

6. Signature file. Your signature file is one of your biggest FREE advertising spaces available. Make sure that your signature file is automatically included with each **AUTORESPONDER** message. Your **AUTORESPONDER** should automatically include your signature filerepparttar 122565 same way your email program does.

7. Filters. This feature worksrepparttar 122566 same as on your email. If you don't want to receive mail from a specific address or addresses, simply filter them out.

8. Redirect pages. Once your **AUTORESPONDER** has been clicked on, and your message is on route to its recipient, you can redirect your prospect to another page of your site, a thank you page, or a new sales page, perhaps.

9. Form generator. Havingrepparttar 122567 HTML code automatically generated for a professional form takes allrepparttar 122568 hassle out of form creation.

And that's not all. In Part 2 of this article there are another eight features that your **AUTORESPONDER** should be offering you. Most of these features are only found in paid responders, but there are good FREE ones onrepparttar 122569 market as well. My two favourite **AUTORESPONDERS** are:

SendFree - FREE **AUTORESPONDER** with some ofrepparttar 122570 bells and whistles, http://www.sendfree.com/affref.php3?ref=39695

Automarketic - **AUTORESPONDER** with allrepparttar 122571 bells and whistles at an affordable price, http://www.automarketic.com/?terry

All autoreponders/**AUTORESPONDERS** are not created equally. The ones mentioned above, in my humble opinion, are two ofrepparttar 122572 best onrepparttar 122573 market. Take a look around an selectrepparttar 122574 one that is best for you.

Good luck with your marketing and God Bless.

Terry Telford is the author of the popular ebook, Website Ladder, and the founder of bpc publishing, where you can pick up your FREE and almost FREE website marketing and traffic tools. Visit http://www.bpcpublishing.com today!

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