15 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Written by Rosalind Gardner

Continued from page 1

8. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a small one- bedroom apartment, as an affiliate you can sell large items without storage concerns.

9. No Order-Processing - Forgetrepparttar problems associated with collecting and storing names, addresses, credit card numbers, etc. The merchant does all that!

10. No Product Shipping - The cost and hassle to prepare and ship products to customers worldwide could be staggering. Affiliates never have to worry about packaging supplies or postal rates.

11. No Customer Service Concerns - Do you haterepparttar 102286 prospect of dealing with nasty people or customer complaints? Don't worry about it! The merchant handlesrepparttar 102287 snivelers.

12. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allows you as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keep making money even when you take breaks or after you go home forrepparttar 102288 night?

13. The World at Your Doorstep - The Internet isrepparttar 102289 world's largest marketplace. You can drive more visitors to your online store in a day, than many small-town merchants sees in his or her brick and mortar business in a year.

14. Minimal Risk - The product you chose isn't making money? Dump it. Take down your links and promote another! It's that easy. There are no long-term contracts binding you to products that don't sell.

15. High Income Potential - If you have a job, your salary or hourly wage is probably pre-determined. Maybe there's not much, other than working overtime, that you can do to increase your income. With your own affiliate business onrepparttar 102290 Internet your income potential is limited only by your desire, effort and imagination.

There you have them - allrepparttar 102291 good reasons to start your own online affiliate marketing business. Start today and benefit from this incredibly simple, cost-effective business opportunity known as affiliate marketing. The time is right, andrepparttar 102292 time is now.

-- Article excerpted from Rosalind Gardner's "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 Last Year Selling Other People's Products Online". Rosalind isrepparttar 102293 'Net's most recognized expert on successful online selling as an affiliate marketer.

Visit her site at: www.myinfobiz.net/affbprint

Rosalind Gardner is the 'Net's most recognized expert on successful online selling as an affiliate marketer.

Auto-Pilot Link Building Strategy for Content-Sites

Written by Iszuddin Ismail

Continued from page 1

And on other pages, you can have something like this.

Growing Orchids - Dendrium Orchids

Growing Orchids - Ochid Diseases

Growing Orchids - Watering Ochids

Growing Orchids - Lighting for Orchids

The examples above is where you combinerepparttar first keyword with another keyword that you are targeting specifically for that page.

Secret number four is optional. Sometimes it still works withoutrepparttar 102285 next step. But implementing secret number four will put your website on steroid in your link building effort.

Here's secret number four. You should install a reciprocal link script. This is a script where people can submit their link to you after linking to your website. The link will take care of checkingrepparttar 102286 link fromrepparttar 102287 other person's website and putting a link back to your new link partner.

And now, this is secret number five. You should have a link that says "Add URL" or "Add Link" to your link script. There times when people will searchrepparttar 102288 web for something like this.

growing orchids "add link"

growing orchids "add url"

These people are looking for your website. By puttingrepparttar 102289 link "Add Link" or "Add URL", you are tellingrepparttar 102290 search engine that you have a link page. This way, link partners can find you more easily.

Of course, you can always do this manually. But that will beatsrepparttar 102291 purpose of trying to make everything autopilot. And once in a while, you can check and see where you website links to. If you want to remove any, just do so.

Now, what isrepparttar 102292 result of all these? Well, by naming your website withrepparttar 102293 targeted keyword and having a domain name using that keyword, link partners have no options but to link to your website using that keyword.

And sincerepparttar 102294 keyword is your website's name, there's nothing wrong with havingrepparttar 102295 name of your website on all pages.

Some people might just link to you without you even asking. And most ofrepparttar 102296 times, they would link to you usingrepparttar 102297 text you use inrepparttar 102298 . When that happens, you are still linked with your most targeted keyword.<p>If you rank well later in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 102299"> search engines, you can aslo expect to get links from websites built using Traffic Equalizer or Traffic Hurricane.<p> http://www.trafficequalizer.com<p> http://www.traffichurricane.com<p>No matter which page they link to, they will always link to you using your most targeted keyword - "Growing Orchids". And at<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 102300"> same time, you are still targeting your secondary keywords like "orchid diseases", "orchid care" or "orchid greenhouse" because you have that in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 102301"> <title> as well.<p>I have been using this method and it works pretty well for me. I am sure people will have their opinion on this whether this is good or this is bad. Some people don't like it not having control over who links to them. But I guess, it boils down to you. It's your choice.<p>For me, this is great for content-sites working with Adsense and affiliate progams. This is<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 102302"> method that I use on my computer case website, airsoft website and my paintball website.<p>You can give this a try and see how thing goes.<p> <br><img src="images/ata.gif"><br> <p>Iszuddin Ismail aka Kidino publishes the MoneyClicking Newsletter where he shares tips and strategies to website building for internet marketing. Get a free ebook, Content-Site for Affiliate Marketing for subscription. http://www.moneyclicking.net<br><br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --></tr><tr><td>    <a class="mlink" href="15_Reasons_to_Become_an_Affiliate_Marketer-2286.htm"><</a>Back to Page 1</td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_channel ="8831454965"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="48" align="center" background="images/bg_nav_bottm.jpg"><span class="style3">ImproveHomeLife.com © 2005<br> <a href="terms.html" rel="nofollow">Terms of Use</a></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var HASH_ESCAPED="%23"; function TrackIt(adUnit){ if (window.status) { var adDomain = escape(window.status.substring(6)); var pyPage = document.location.pathname; var params = document.location.search; var hasAnchor = params.lastIndexOf(HASH_ESCAPED)!= -1; params = hasAnchor? (params.substring(0, params.lastIndexOf(HASH_ESCAPED))) : params; pyPage = escape(pyPage.substring(pyPage.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); pyPage = pyPage + params; var curTime = new Date().valueOf(); var bug = new Image(); bug.src = '/track/adsenseTrack.php?pyPage=' + pyPage + '&adDomain=' + adDomain + '&adUnit=' + adUnit + "&time=" + curTime; } } function TrackIt0() {TrackIt(0); } function TrackIt1() {TrackIt(1); } function TrackIt2() {TrackIt(2); } var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if(elements[i].src.indexOf('googlesyndication.com') > -1) { //elements[i].onfocus = TrackIt; if (i==0) elements[i].onfocus = TrackIt0; if (i==1) elements[i].onfocus = TrackIt1; if (i==2) elements[i].onfocus = TrackIt2; } } </script> <!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan ALT="Site Meter" --> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">var site="s19improve"</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="http://s19.sitemeter.com/js/counter.js?site=s19improve"> </script> <noscript> <a href="http://s19.sitemeter.com/stats.asp?site=s19improve" target="_top"> <img src="http://s19.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s19improve" alt="Site Meter" border=0></a> </noscript> <!-- Copyright (c)2002 Site Meter --> <!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" Endspan --> </body> </html>