15 Minutes of Fame: Unconventional Marketing

Written by Dustin Rhodes

Continued from page 1

"Pepsi: choice of a new generation"

Two similar products, each trying to get YOUR attention! Each company has positioned their product in your mind. Each product is famous and recognized by a short simple statement.

Everyday, you see advertisers telling us that their product or service isrepparttar BEST! No One Beats our Deals! Best Offer! Best Guarantee! Fastest Delivery! Well, we know who arerepparttar 120530 Best! But everyone can not berepparttar 120531 best, someone has to be next to best or mediocre or evenrepparttar 120532 worst, but they don't seem to be advertising.

A Pizza restaurant chain started a few years ago, and they positioned themselves inrepparttar 120533 eye ofrepparttar 120534 public as "Second Best... so we have to work harder". I remember seeing a web site that said "We arerepparttar 120535 worst, but with your help we will improve", another "Our product stinks but our service is impeccable". I was so intrigued by their statements that I had to look at their web sites. And I purchased from these companies. They were honest and had a sense of humor.

Not everyone can berepparttar 120536 BEST, someone has to be second, third and so on.

Look at your competition and rank your product or service against them. Maybe you haverepparttar 120537 UGLIEST web site, but you DELIVER! Possibly you have a SUCKY product, so you give lots of EXTRA FREEBIES. Position your product behind your competition. Position yourself honestly and with humor and your web site could soon see it's "fifteen minutes of fame".

Capitalize on your unique marketing position, include your position statement in your advertising, your search engine submissions, in your email signatures. Make your MARK onrepparttar 120538 Net with a unique positioning statement. Let 'em know that you ain'trepparttar 120539 best, but you haverepparttar 120540 guts to work yer way up!

So, where does your product or service rank among your competition?

Dustin Rhodes "the Internet Cowboy" has authored several Internet Marketing ebooks, his articles have been published in numerous newsletters and magazines; and publishes the weekly business ezine: Intelligent eMarketing Digest. For online marketing and promotion information visit: http://www.IntelligenteMarketing.com

Ugly Man From Australia Shows You How To Increase Yours Sales 1,200%

Written by Terah J. Logan

Continued from page 1

A 1,200% increase in response -- and there's still another 5 weeks to go!

By using Brett to create my marketing I stand to earn well over $200,000 in just a couple of months!" Bill Zheng, Director, www.investorsdirect.com.au

If you have never made regular and consistent sales online you need to understand it is not your fault. You just have never been taught how. Now is your opportunity to knowrepparttar secrets that will turn turn your ordinary, poor-response ads into killer money-making machines ... in just 30 minutes.

Do you have 30 minutes to learnrepparttar 120529 money-making secrets ofrepparttar 120530 marketing genius Bret McFall?

Please join me and visit my Website http://www.simplesteps2success.biz/30minutes to share in my incredible discovery ofrepparttar 120531 ugly man from Australia who can, and will, save your Internet marketing dreams.

Your in success, Terah J. Logan www.simplesteps2success.biz/30minutes

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