13-Step Business Development Plan for IT Professionals

Written by Andrew Neitlich

Continued from page 1

6. Educate your audience with these informational messages, in any or all ofrepparttar following ways:



Written guides, papers, and manuals

E-mail newsletters

Your web site



CD audios

7. Continue to follow up with prospects by offering more education and information. Each time you do, you build more trust and credibility. Soon your marketplace will trust and know you well enough to consider yourepparttar 104894 expert inrepparttar 104895 field.

8. Be responsive when prospects and clients call. Make it hassle free for clients and prospects to reach you, and get right back to them.

9. When prospects meet with you live to get your advice, don't sell. Instead, ask about their situation, problems, goals, and what they want to achieve by meeting with you. Listen carefully, and check withrepparttar 104896 prospect to confirm that you understand their priorities. Offer your experience aboutrepparttar 104897 prospect's problems and, after you are sure you understandrepparttar 104898 prospect's situation clearly, suggest potential solutions. At this point, assumingrepparttar 104899 prospect is intrigued, you can talk about your background and how you have helped others with similar problems. Finally, letrepparttar 104900 prospect choose what they want to do next, without any pressure.

10. Deliver outstanding results when you are hired.

11. Get testimonials that you can include with your marketing materials from clients, influential people, and colleagues attesting to your expertise and capabilities.

12. Ask for referrals.

13. Keep in touch with clients so that they call you FIRST when they need help. Do this not by selling but by offering valuable support, information, and follow up.

This simple plan will attract loyal clients to you, generate referrals, and establish your reputation asrepparttar 104901 expert in your niche.

Andrew Neitlich is the Senior Editor of the IT Accelerator, a newsletter that helps IT professionals and consultants attract all the clients they can handle. Subscribe at www.itprosuccess.com

10 Ways to Move From Manager To Coach

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Continued from page 1

7. Respect and acknowledgerepparttar contribution that each and every person brings torepparttar 104893 table.

8. Understand that your reports are your number one customers. How can you help them do their job better?

9. Don't allow anyone to underminerepparttar 104894 success of your operation. If you have a weak link, either turn it around or get rid of it. Don't tolerate anything butrepparttar 104895 best from your associates.

10. Focus onrepparttar 104896 staff ANDrepparttar 104897 work, not one orrepparttar 104898 other. Helprepparttar 104899 people develop all of their skills. Invest in your associates forrepparttar 104900 short and long term.

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to accept total support). Find many free resources to assist you in living the life of your dreams at http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com

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