12 Tips For More Successful Negotiations

Written by Tony L. Callahan

Continued from page 1

6. Understand The Situational Dynamics In order to negotiate successfully, you must understandrepparttar dynamics ofrepparttar 106579 situation. Identify your role andrepparttar 106580 role of your adversary. Know what arerepparttar 106581 "power positions" of each role. The dynamics of negotiating in a parent/child relationship are significantly different thanrepparttar 106582 dynamics of and employer/employee negotiation. Be certain your desires are appropriate and achievable in terms ofrepparttar 106583 situation.

7. Never Lie Very few negotiations are a single contact event. Withrepparttar 106584 possible exception of making large purchases, most parties involved in a negotiation have continued contact afterrepparttar 106585 negotiations are completed. When you are caught in a lie, and it is inevitable that you will be, your future credibility will be lost.

It is possible to prepare to handle those areas whererepparttar 106586 need to lie may be felt. Examinerepparttar 106587 areas where your case is weak. Work to strengthen your case. In those areas that remain vulnerable, prepare how you wish to handle them should they arise.

8. Be Fair Negotiation is not an "I win, you lose" proposition. Webster's dictionary defines negotiate as "to bring about by mutual agreement". The best negotiators I know create "win - win" situations in every negotiation.

9. Don't Tip Your Hand Uncertainty is your key advantage in most negotiations. If your adversary knows what you desire most, your negotiating position is not as strong. Play it close torepparttar 106588 vest.

10. Be Flexible Understand that negotiation frequently involves compromise. Look for creative solutions torepparttar 106589 problems presented inrepparttar 106590 negotiation. Make tradeoffs in order to gain those elements you most desire.

11. Winning Isn't Everything It is easy to get caught up inrepparttar 106591 competitive spirit of a negotiation. Remember thatrepparttar 106592 point of negotiation is to reach a common agreement on how to move forward. While it may be possible to bludgeon your adversary into agreeing to your terms, this does not createrepparttar 106593 "mutual agreement" that makes for a truly successful negotiation.

12. Quit While You Are Ahead Too many people have to see just how far they can push a negotiation. They have to try to get just one more concession. This attitude can be a deal breaker. The best negotiations are brief and torepparttar 106594 point. Get agreement on your major points and stop. Additional items can be addressed in subsequent negotiations.

Tony L. Callahan is president of his own Internet marketing company, Link-Promote < http://www.link-promote.com >. He also publishes Web-Links Monthly, a newsletter full of tips, tricks, tools and techniques for successful web site promotions. To subscribe, send e-mail to: < Web-Links-subscribe@topica.com >.


Written by Noel Peebles

Continued from page 1

"I can't do it!"

What are you afraid of?

Have you ever wondered just what you are afraid of? What stops you from takingrepparttar next step forward that will keep you on repparttar 106578 path of achieving your goals?

The reason for most people's fear is buried deep within themselves. A low level of self-confidence and self-esteem makes us feel unhappy about ourselves. Because our thoughts are based on feelings of inadequacy, we set our boundaries and standards very low and achieve little in our lives.

One ofrepparttar 106579 greatest realizations that you may ever experience in your life is thatrepparttar 106580 emotion of fear is part of being human. It's perfectly normal to experience misgivings and doubts!

Fear will never go away no matter how self-confident or successful we are!

The key to overcoming our fears is to feel good about ourselves and think positively. We can then begin to userepparttar 106581 energy that fear creates positively in our lives.

Only then can we turn indecision and fear into power and action.

© Market Leaders Limited.

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Noel Peebles has bought, developed and sold several of his own businesses, and has been involved with the purchase and sale of many others. He has fifteen years of 'hands on' experience, directing his own highly successful' retail businesses, including franchise marketing and business development. He also has his own public self-storage complex. And, he's traveled extensively to over forty countries.

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